--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > I hope Fairfield is having a beautiful
> > day today. I have wonderful memories
> > from my youth of the Midwest in May.
> > 
> > My question follows.
> > 
> > Is the following statement sexist?
> > 
> > "Nothing would have thrilled me more than to
> > have been able to support a black man (or even
> > better, a black woman) for president."
> > 
> > I ask this question to help me get a 
> > better read on your POV.
> > 
> Judy can answer for herself. Although I suspect your sincerity and this is 
> just a set up for a put down, I'll answer you straight up anyway and hope you 
> will respond in kind. I think youI don't see her statement as sexist. I see 
> it as a twofer, (female AND black) a far flung hope for something that is 
> presently and utterly a far fetched political impossibility in America. IMO 
> Judy's statement makes a case for her liberal bona fides, counters spurious 
> accusations of racism because she didn't support Obama and simply expresses a 
> hope for a woman president but not just ANY woman. I can assure you that 
> neither of us would have voted for Sarah Palin for president just because she 
> was a woman. Palin does not hold the same political values and that weighs 
> heavily for fair minded feminists, which I believe we are. However, just one 
> observation about Palin: I think she experienced the most abominable, vile, 
> sexist assaults from the Left I have ever witnessed in politics, worse than 
> Hillary and for that I will defend Palin. I will denounce sexist attacks on 
> ANY woman. I think it is shameful that we have not elevated our conversation 
> about women in American politics from juvenile sniggering about tits and ass 
> to a more respectful regard for women. 
> > When Judy was asked about this she 
> > changed the subject, attacked, then ran.
> >
> What post are you referring to when "she changed the subject, attacked, then 
> ran?" I'd like to read it to see if I can figure out what makes you think 
> this of Judy.

I didn't ask about Judy.
I can understand and respect your questioning my sincerity.
I didn't ask about race.
I didn't ask about Palin.
I didn't ask what you will or won't denounce, 
but I operate from the premise that you hold
sexism to be Bad. Capital B.
I didn't snigger about T & A.
I didn't ask about a "twofer".

I simply asked if you thought the following 
statement was sexist.

"Nothing would have thrilled me more than to
have been able to support a black man (or even
better, a black woman) for president."

You didn't answer my question.

If you believe you did, perhaps I am misreading
you due to a typo. I have no idea what your sentence

("I think youI don't see her statement as sexist.")

means. Please clarify. A simple yes or no would
suffice. Is the statement I quoted sexist? I believe 
if you answer it honestly we can have an actual
dialogue instead of hurling insults.

*My* answer to the question "Is the following a 
sexist statement?" is Yes, and not just a little bit.
Capital Y yes. That is not an opinion, it is a fact.
Sexism is prejudice, stereotyping, or
discrimination, on the basis of sex.    

What I would honestly like to know is if you
see the sexism in the statement I have 
provided. Clearly, if you answer no I will have 
factual grounds for suggesting to you that you
don't know what sexism is. If you answer yes then
perhaps real communication can take place.

I look forward to your response. I also look forward
to being able to have mutually enlightening dialogue
with you. I am not sure if you realize it or not. but you
are much more interesting to communicate with when
you don't have Judy distracting you. You might actually
find the person on the other end of this internet
connection is someone who you have more in common
with than you think and is someone who has actually
given the subject at hand some serious pondering over
the years. 

Thanks in advance for your reply.  

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