From: []
On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 12:41 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Who is Rush Limbaugh?'
He says in this transcript that he doesn't meditate, but that he knows about
it because friends do it, but I got a call from a friend this morning, who
read this thread, who said he meditated with Rush just recently.

--- In, "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:
> He's an old TM Practitioner. That's who he is. Don't know if he's still
practicing, but he has been known to speak highly of it.
the following is from Limbaugh's own website (replete with MIU logo):

Does the Maha Rushie Meditate?

May 16, 2008

Listen To It!   <>
8_9_meditation.wma&site=rushlimb>  | RealPlayer
<> Audio clips available
for Rush 24/7 members only -- Join Now!



RUSH: Anyway, who's next on this program? Linda in Jackson, Mississippi.

CALLER: Hello?

RUSH: Hello.

CALLER: Hello, Mr. Limbaugh.

RUSH: Hi Linda, how are you?

80.ImageFile.jpg> CALLER: I'm just wonderful. Thank you so much --

RUSH: You're welcome.

CALLER: -- for educating me in the ways of politics.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: And thank you so much for taking my call.

RUSH: You're welcome.

CALLER: I had a very simple little question I've thought of for probably ten
years, maybe not that long. I wanted to ask you, and then I told Mr.
Snerdley I had one simple question, I decided maybe I should make it as a
statement, therefore being a perfectly honest, wonderful human being you
are, you would not be forced to have to answer. So I've concluded over
listening to a few statements that you've made over the years that you must
practice TM. And you don't have to answer me if you don't want to, because
you are such a wonderful, gracious gentleman, one of the things --

RUSH: Well, now, wait a second, but you are curious. I understand the
structure that you have created here, making your statement in observation
form, thereby not requiring me to provide an answer, but you still are


CALLER: I'm still what?

RUSH: You're not curious?

CALLER: I am curious.

RUSH: You are curious, yes.

CALLER: But I didn't want to put you on the spot because --

RUSH: Well, you're not putting me on the spot.

CALLER: Well, it's a question that may ostracize you a little bit because
it's looked upon as kind of, you know, something strange to practice,
Transcendental Meditation.

RUSH: Cosmic consciousness? There's nothing strange about --

CALLER: It's not, maybe not more so where you're from than where I'm from.
It is not as strange as --

RUSH: How many times a day do you meditate?

CALLER: Twice a day for thirty years.

RUSH: Are you on the road to cosmic consciousness?

CALLER: I would like to think so, yes, sir.

RUSH: Because that's the objective of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

CALLER: Yes, sir, and I think you're very much there, too, because you keep
bumping into me in my lucid dreams.

RUSH: A-ha. That helps a lot. So when you are meditating, which is another
way to lucid dream --

CALLER: No, no, lucid dream is when you're asleep.

RUSH: Oh, you're talking about when you're sleeping.

CALLER: Yes, meditating.

4.ImageFile.jpg> RUSH: Linda? Linda, I've heard that line before. I mean,
when I was younger, I used to use that line all the time. You know I had a
dream about you? 

CALLER: No, it's not that kind of dream. A lucid dream is when you observe
your dreams.

RUSH: Yeah, but I mean I'm still in 'em.

CALLER: Yeah. It's not a pickup line. I'm not trying to pick you up.

RUSH: Well, I didn't think you were.

CALLER: Although, you did make a comment once a couple years ago, my husband
and I heard you talking about being at a party and that you wished you could
meet some real people. We volunteer. We're real people. We would love to
meet you.

RUSH: Oh, that's awfully sweet. You've got a great memory. I do not practice
Transcendental Meditation. I know people who have, and that's why I know the

CALLER: Good. Okay.

RUSH: And I know about the mantras.

CALLER: Uh-huh.

RUSH: I have talked about Maharishi University, which is in Iowa.

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: And I did say, you know, you got a basketball team there, and I said
the official cheer is "block that vibe," rather than --

CALLER: Yes, sir. Well, I thought you must have some familiarity with it, or
maybe being in such a high state of consciousness as you are in, maybe that
was one of the tools you used.

RUSH: Wish it were. I wish I could tell you it was, but it's not. Even
though I'm familiar with it, as I say, I've known some people who have done
it, but they don't do it any longer. Anyway, Linda, you're so sweet. I'm
glad you called.



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