--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , nablusoss1008 <no_re...@...>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
>  When MMY visited MIU during the Taste of Utopia course, the
> > sheriff was at the frat he was staying in, trying to subpoena him.
> > Goldman successfully fended him off.
> If the americans had gotten hold of Maharishi the same would have
happened to Him as to Rajneesh; a "vaccine" in the arm and 5 years
later; dead.
> How they tried and never even was able to get into His room, not the
CIA in Europe, not the sheriff in the USA.
> The americans sure did try to crucify Him but had to give in to
Invincibility. >>

Chopra seems to suggests that someone did get to Maharishi, but he
survived and went right along with business.

> Now slowly they will have to pay their dues. Their beloved capitalism
is dying, the dollar is slowly but steadily becoming a pariah currency;
soon even oil will not be traded in $.>

The only thing left worth having is holistic living and the natural
tendency of life to grow towards more and more wholeness of Being.

> Who can save the americans from their collective carma of raping
nations and their resources for centuries, creating countless of wars
and fascist regimes all over the world except in Europe, Russia and
China ?>>

The American land has a deep well of good karma that cannot be touched
by these paltry superficial beings that have used its glory for their
own edification. America is invincible. Greed is not.

> Obama ? Though I'm in favor of the fellow, this carma is to enormous
for even him to handle. >

He will be fine. If not, then others will arrive. The nature of life is
to grow, and everything is in perfect order, unfolding like a flower
opening in the sun.

> This is a flood, not even Obama will be able to borrow enough money
overseas to be able to stop the already begun collapse. >>

People don't care so much about money anymore. The transformation has
occured. People want richness of satisfaction in work and life,
contribute to society, and help thy neighbor.

> Perhaps. But not before they realize that their hollow "empire" built
on violence, greed and "entertainment" is finished. Gone.
> Reading FFL it seems this "point of no return" amongst americans is
still somewhat wanting. Young, newly incarnated cowboy-souls think they
are toppers. Forgetting that they are balancing at the top of the

More like grubbing around in the pigsty  :-)


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