> > It also raises the question of all the 
> > other titles like "The world's foremost 
> > scientist in the field of consciousness". 
> > Are appellations like these from Mahesh 
> > or from his disciples? I would assume his  
> > disciples, but ones does start to wonder. 
> > At a certain point, a person would start 
> > sounding like any number of whacky 
> > dictators the world has seen.
> >
Robert wrote:
> This sounds like the conversation Pontious 
> Pilot had with Jesus...
It sure does, Robert. Are you related to that
other guy, 'Robert the Bruce'? Now that's a 
real title, but what does it mean? I once had
a long dialog with a TMer scientist named 
'Steve Ralph' - he had two first names, and 
one of them was his last name. Go figure.

> So, who gave you this title: 'King of the 
> Jews'...
> 'Could you prove to me that you are the 
> 'King'...Obviously not!
> So, we have to crucify you now, sorry!
> Maharishi is known as Maharishi, around 
> the globe...However you think he got the 
> name, that is what he is known by...
> The name means what he was, a great sage.
> There is nothing dubious about the name.
> He is Maharishi and Maharishi is him.
> Why do you put so much faith in institutions...
> Just because an institution puts a title on 
> someone, what does it mean?
> Hitler had the title of Der Fuhrer.
> Bush had the title of President...
> See the point...
> What do titles really mean, anyway...
> Aren't they all just name of things...
> inventions...
> Who cares about titles anyway...
> I certainly don't.
> It's what's behind the title that counts...

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