--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> In any dispute between emptybill and vaj, emptybill is far more credible. Vaj 
> constantly digs up obscure texts to denigrate Maharishi and invalidate TMer's 
> practice and he does so by pontificating, lying and distorting whatever he 
> happens to dig up. It's valid to ask, how does he find the time and why is he 
> so addicted to such odious behavior? 

Both he and the Turqey seems to be at it fulltime. FFL is not the only forum 
they are "participating" in.

> Since few people who post here know much about the convoluted hodgepodge of 
> information Vaj writes about, he can lie cart blanche without much challenge. 
> I am glad to see someone like emptybill come forward with the ability to 
> argue Vaj point for point. However the moment emptybill shines a bright light 
> on Vaj's lies, Vaj scurries away like a roach, too much of a coward to admit 
> his distortions or defend his lies. 
> It's interesting that the only two people so many folks on this forum accuse 
> of habitually lying happen be the two biggest dick wavers ever to post on 
> FFLife. Barry and Vaj, what a pair.

And both happen to "Buddhists".
Says a lot about "Buddhism" these days.

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