--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Randy Meltzer" <rm...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On Jun 4, 2009, at 1:59 PM, Randy Meltzer wrote:
> > 
> > > So Vaj, if you don't consider him a maharishi or a yogi, what are  
> > > you doing on this forum?   Do you feel its your job to somehow  
> > > bring the light of knowledge to all us ignorant Tmers?
> > 
> > Randy, this is not a Maharishi list, it's for all sorts of different  
> > people, but what most seem to share in common is that at one time  
> > they had some connection to TM, Mahesh, FF, etc.
> > 
> > I think it's pretty rude of YOU to assume that all TMers are ignorant.
> >
> What I meant by "us ignorant TMers" is the fact that your posts mostly seem 
> to be saying that you have more knowledge and experience that most TMers, or 
> at least the ones here.  And to say this list is not a Maharishi list is 
> ridiculous.  Sure its not an oficial TMo list, but the reason pretty much 
> everyone is on here is because they have had, or do have a connection to TM

Although most of the TM'ers on this group are pretty bright, I would have to 
say there are many TM'ers that 'are' ignorant when it comes to Yoga!  

You see, MMY never taught all the limbs of Yoga, nor did he teach TM in the 
context of Yoga, in spite of his comment it IS Yoga.  He taught it in the 
context of Science, therefore there are actually TM'ers who think the OM 
vibration is somehow evil since MMY recommended against it (for householders).

There are also TM'ers who think they don't need Religion though MMY himself 
says it's necessary in the SOB.  As a result there are morally lazy meditators 
who don't practice any form of ethical development.

I remember one tm'er on alt-tm who didn't think the chakras played a role in 
TM, again because MMY never *formally* taught that, (until a recent lecture 
surfaced with him discussing it), I could go on.  Vaj has some good points, 
albeit, he's a little uppity. 

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