On Jun 7, 2009, at 7:36 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

On Jun 7, 2009, at 4:40 PM, Vaj wrote:

"We think John Hagelin's burger king crown is ridiculous. TM works for some people, though we are highly curious about new and different practices. But most importantly, we believe in what this university could be and we think the movement/TM organization is ruining it." -Andrew (MUM student being ousted for not meditating enough).

The comments at the bottom are easily
the most interesting part, IMO.

Thanks, a lot were new, I would have missed them. It highlights an aspect of MUM I hadn't thought of: that of latter day folks coming into an already existing subculture and scene for which they are effectively outsiders, not privvy to the in and outs, the dogmas, the secrets and the scandals, the TB-isms and the censorship. It has to be an odd experience for these poor students--by one persons account the majority (emphases mine):

"It is a great place to accomplish personal growth and individual advancement. There are however issues that inhibit that growth and advancement in a majority of the student population. Unfortunately the credibility of your friend in the registrars office is tainted by the strange blanket of secrecy surrounding the actual "business" of the "movement" itself."

Other comments are equally disturbing.

"...thanks for the comments, that inside information is incredibly welcome and unseen here at MUM. I'm not sure if everyone is aware of not only the internet censorship, but also censorship of artwork here, but I haven't experienced this much oppression since being in China.

Sadly I must say, that MUM is the first place that I didn't feel welcome. Everywhere I went from Indonesia, Thailand and anywhere in between I was welcomed with open arms and a loving heart. Accepted for my beliefs, my joy, and my Self. Here the opposite seems to occur, where your beliefs are "less than" or the diluted and essentially manufactured opinion of the Veda through Mahesh is the ultimate knowledge.


Within the last semester about 30% of the incoming class left. 10% left before SCI finished. Many other students will not be returning next semester, and even more will leave after the following spring.

Again, the management/faculty of the university seems to be a bit disconnected from the reality of it all."

Kudos to the brave students who risk their very degrees--and huge monetary investments--to have their voices heard.

I wonder what form the internet censorship takes?

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