A reason for the success of the initial SIMS/SRM programs is the same reason 
for why such a "Movement" can't hold a candle against the fundamentalist and 
Monotheistic religions: namely, the latter are held together by a strong belief 
system, and faith in the certititude of Biblical truths.  These conditions 
coupled with a strong cultural foundation and various social links spell for 
enclaves of Fundies in certain areas.  For example, Shias in some areas vs the 
Sunni  group, each with temples, social welfare projects, ....etc; the whole 
system of cultural traits which act as a "glue" to keep society together.

 Same with Fundamentalist Christianity.  In many areas across the US, with a 
couple dozen square miles of territory, especially rural towns, you can find 
hundreds and thousands of Fundies.  The combined influence of these 
fundamentalist groups far outshadows (in number), the total historical 
influence of the TM groups.

 Thus, the freedom of belief systems and a strong relative focal point acted in 
the "early" years - (1959 - 1975) to attract a relatively large group of 
"New-Age"-type people into the fold (probably a wave of people with past 
incarnations in India); but this in turn over the years detracted from any 
sense of cohesiveness along the lines of the Fundamentalist groups who point to 
"Biblical truths" and strong cultural affiliations.

  In practical terms (for example); after Katrina the FEMA efforts turned out 
to be a total failure; with the most benefits to local areas coming from (you 
guessed it!) - local Fundamentalist Churches.

  The Dalai Lama appeared on CNN calling for a compassionate outlook. That's 
about it from the "Dharmic" Hindus and Buddhists (those with a past in that 
orientation who have gravitated toward TM)..  No TM'ers rebuilding homes and 
clearing out the trash.

 OTOH, one can argue that the TM perspective will win out in the long run - 
hundreds of years into the future, because the belief systems holding the 
Fundies together are in essence (imo) much superstititious nonsense.

 From our TM perspective, as MMY has taught, the Foundation has to be "Being", 
ultimately; although this lesson in the short run will be lost on those 
attempting to clear up the Katrina trash, cure malaria, or offset the dwindling 
water supply in India.   


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