Having badrapped bloggers this morning, I'll repost the words
of a blogger whom I like, Alec Baldwin. What are his "credentials"
for ranting on the Huffington Post? Zilch. He's a rich actor who
neither gets paid to rant nor needs to; he's just a guy with an
opinion, taking advantage of the Internet to express it. That said,
IMO his opinions are often better thought-out and better stated
than the opinions of those with "credentials" out the wazoo.

This "pile on" to Governor Mark Sanford is a classic case in point.
Bottom line is that the poor schmuck is just a guy doing the same
thing that 10-15% of women and 20-25% of men in America
have admitted to doing. Given those numbers, almost without
question the *same* percentages apply to the people playing "pile
on" to Mark Sanford -- 10-15% of the women giving him shit and
20-25% of the men giving him shit and calling for his resignation
are doing so while taking a break from their *own* adulteries.

By contrast, this rich Hollywood actor seems to have his priorities
straight and his ability to feel compassion still intact. Compared to
the *real* problems in this world, who the fuck *cares* who this
guy in South Carolina fucks? What does it *matter*, in terms of
his ability to do a good or bad job as governor?

I am reminded of the funeral procession of Francois Mitterand,
former President of France. There was his wife and family, walking
sadly beside his mistress and family. No one gave a shit. A whole
nation said, "Nothing to see here...move along..." Same thing
Alec Baldwin is saying.

  [Alec Baldwin]  <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alec-baldwin>
Alec Baldwin <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alec-baldwin> Don't Take the
So South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford had an affair.

Big deal.

Now is a wonderful opportunity to show the country what
Democrats/liberals/progressives/unaligned learned from the Clinton era.
Whatever personal problems that public officials deal with privately,
leave them alone. This could happen to anyone, in any state, regardless
of party. Why make the voters of South Carolina suffer while Sanford is
skewered? If he wants to resign, so be it. If not, let him deal with it
in private.

The Clinton scandal was one of the most horrific political episodes I
have ever witnessed. Henry Hyde and Richard Mellon Scaife and Kenneth
Starr, the right-wing's goyish Roy Cohn, chasing down Arkansas state
troopers and bank records and real estate documents until they found
what they were looking for in Monica Lewinsky's closet. Literally. Of
course you remember! The chorus of right-wing talk radio sociopaths
dancing, prematurely, on Clinton's grave. Perhaps John Kerry's problems
had, in one sense, an extra twist, because those filthy, lying cowards
at the Swiftboat Luftwaffe were doing their thing out of pure hate.
There were no careers or money to be made, as with Clinton. (Whatever
happened to those two witches, Linda Trippe and Lucianne Goldberg?)

The rest of the world is about to kick this country right where it
counts when it decides to go off the dollar as the reserve currency, and
you want to spend five minutes over the fact that Sanford was cheating
on his wife?

Don't take the bait. Move on.

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