--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <no_re...@...> wrote:
>  [ title=]

In reaction to this obviously sexist ad, representatives of the
World Government of the Age of Enlightenment in Vlodrop,
Holland made the following announcement today:

"We are disgusted by this display of sexism by the Burger
King corporation, and as a result our King Tony has today
announced that from now on, TM Rajas will no longer wear
crowns. As you know, the Rajas crowns were based on the
Burger King crown. But now that the Burger King corporation
has disgraced itself by portraying women in such a degrading
fashion (instead of dressed in saris and walking several paces
behind their husbands, as they should be portrayed according
to the Vedas), we are removing any taint of their Kali Yuga-
influenced marketing from *our* marketing, and abandoning
the crowns.

"TM Rajas will no longer wear long, flowing white robes or
crowns that resemble the Burger King crowns. Instead, we
will be issuing to them bright yellow jumpsuits with red-
striped undershirts, big floppy shoes, and bright red fright
wigs, so that they may more closely resemble Ronald McDonald,
avatar of the MahaMcDonalds loka. There will be no change in
the saris, dumpy clothing, and faux-demure behavior expected
of their wives. And we assure you that when the Rajas demand
that their wives suck on *their* sandwiches that they're going
to be made from soy."


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