raunchydog wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
>> raunchydog wrote:
>>> Today I contacted Dave Lobesack's office in D.C. and suggested that Dave
>>> make a statement of support on his website for the public option in the
>>> health care reform bill. I'll be watching.
>>> I am on the Central Committee for Dave's district 2. I campaigned for
>>> him and I know him personally. I called Dave's assistant on her cell
>>> phone today and asked if Dave agrees with the Public Option in principle
>>> and she said yes.
>>> Sen. Harkin has said he would not favor a health care reform bill that
>>> did not have a public option. Dave will probably follow Harkin's lead.
>>> The only thing that could derail him is that he is up for reelection in
>>> a district that always voted Republican before he won office.  I hope he
>>> doesn't have to pander to his conservative constituents.
>>> I'm good friends with State Sen. Becky Schmidt and I will talk to her
>>> tomorrow about getting Dave on board. I spoke to our Central Committee
>>> Chairperson today and she said she will call Dave personally.
>>> Everyone, please call or write your congress critters today.
>> We shouldn't have to be activists 24/7.   
> It is getting ridiculous.  
>> Someone is betting that we'll tire and they'll be able to steamroller 
>> over us.  This is what we elect representatives for.  We have to find 
>> people that will represent us and not the f'ing lobbyists!  If your rep 
>> votes against his constituents throw them out!!!
> Robert, How will you know to "throw them out" unless you pay attention to 
> what your elected officials do? Call your congress critters and ask if they 
> will or will not vote for health care reform without a public option. If a 
> bill does not include a public option they should vote against it. Ask your 
> congress person to make a statement of support for a public option on their 
> website. Get them to promise, then hold them to account to "we the people" 
> not the lobbyists. Thank you for your willingness to be a citizen "activist." 
(Not Robert) Read what I said again.  I said "24/7" or IOW all the 
time.  I am commenting that in general the public would like a public 
option and most likely single payer.   I already wrote my 
congresscritters via email.  Got a reply from Senator Boxer but not from 
Feinstein yet. She sucks up to the money.   I call my Congressman.  But 
what I'm saying is we should with the public opinion the way it is be 
able to put them on cruise control and do what the public wants.   No we 
have big fucking corporations with "personhood" that mean more to our 
congresscritters than the public.  Further evidence that capitalism is a 

I could give a shit if single payer wipes out a bunch of health 
insurance companies.  They fucking deserve it and their CEOs poverty.  
What a bunch of crooks.

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