Half of those who call themselves Republicans 
say they would support a public plan, along 
with nearly three-fourths of independents and 
almost nine in 10 Democrats.

~~ NYT/CBS News poll: Wide Support for Government-Run Health ~~

The national telephone survey, which was conducted from June 12 to 16, found 
that 72 percent of those questioned supported a government-administered 
insurance plan — something like Medicare for those under 65 — that would 
compete for customers with private insurers. Twenty percent said they were 

Republicans in Congress have fiercely criticized the proposal as an unneeded 
expansion of government that might evolve into a system of nationalized health 
coverage and lead to the rationing of care.

But in the poll, the proposal received broad bipartisan backing, with half of 
those who call themselves Republicans saying they would support a public plan, 
along with nearly three-fourths of independents and almost nine in 10 Democrats.

~Full report: http://snipurl.com/kkwqr  [www_nytimes_com]

- In another poll: ~~ 83% Support a Public Option for Health Care ~~

Eighty-three percent of Americans favor and only 14 percent oppose "creating a 
new public health insurance plan that anyone can purchase" according to EBRI, a 
conservative business research organization.

This flatly contradicts conservatives' loudest attack against President Obama's 
plan to provide quality, affordable health care for all.

The Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) calls itself "the most 
authoritative and objective source of information" on the issues of employee 
retirement and health benefits. Founded in 1978, EBRI says it "is the gold 
standard for private analysts and decision makers, government policymakers, the 
media, and the public." And EBRI is funded by many of the largest corporations 
in America.

Read the full report here: 
http://snipurl.com/kzpls  [www_ourfuture_org] 

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