--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > The point I am making
> (As if we hadn't gotten it long since...)
>  is that the "proof of 
> > the pudding" is NOT in the claims, it's in 
> > the actual results of practicing the TM tech-
> > nique. Thus we should have to look no further
> > than the 30- to 40-year practitioners of TM
> > *on this forum* for proof that the claims
> > were true.
> > 
> > I am suggesting that no such proof can be found,
> > given the subset of loyal, 2X-per-day TMers on
> > this forum, *including yourself*. Was *your*
> > post above reflective of "line on water," or
> > was it reactive and attached, lashing out (as 
> > you often do) at anyone who dares to challenge
> > the TM dogma?
> Let's not allow ourselves to be hornswoggled.
> This is just the latest version of Barry's 
> longstanding campaign to silence the TMers on FFL
> (and previously on alt.m.t):
> If a TMer reacts negatively in any way to attacks
> on TM, MMY, the TMO, or him/herself--no matter how
> unfair, diishonest, illogical, inaccurate, and/or
> vicious--it's "proof," according to Barry, that TM
> doesn't work.
> Don't fall for it.
> > It is YOUR actions, and the actions of the long-
> > term TMers on this forum I am pointing to. THOSE
> > are the actions that a person who is considering
> > learning TM should look to to judge the truth of
> > its claims. I don't practice TM, and haven't for
> > over 30 years; my actions, whatever they may be,
> > do not reflect on TM at all. But YOURS do.
> This is a crock.
> > Here's a handy list to help out. When trying
> > to judge whether TM's claims on its Web page and
> > in its promotional materials and in its intro
> > lectures are true, merely pay attention to the
> > posts of the following people on this forum. 
> > They **ARE** the products of the TM technique;
> > each of them has been practicing it for decades;
> > each of them claims to believe that its claims
> > are true.
> Barry's well aware I don't belong on his "list"
> even by his own definition--which, as I noted,
> is a crock on its own terms.
>  Therefore, each of them should be an
> > example *of* those claims being true. Watch
> > their posts and judge for yourself. If they 
> > don't live up to the claimed benefits of TM, 
> > then neither does TM itself:
> The only "benefit" I claim for TM is that it
> develops consciousness, something nobody can
> judge for an individual, since development of
> consciousness is a purely subjective experience.
> Barry knows--because we've discussed it before--
> that I don't believe development of consciousness
> can be measured by behavior. And in fact, he has
> *agreed* with me on this point.
> Unless, of course, he's changed his mind "in the
> moment" and now believes the opposite of what
> he's insisted previously.
> I'll leave it to readers to judge whether such a
> change of mind could occur on the basis of
> whatever it was "in the moment" that Barry wanted
> to "prove"--or in this case, accomplish: to 
> intimidate TMers into not challenging his and 
> others' attacks on TM/TMO/MMY/themselves.
> And this is only secondarily about TM-related
> attacks. It's *primarily* designed to silence--or
> at least dampen--criticism of Barry's own 
> increasingly inexcusable and irrational behavior
> on FFL. There's been more and more of it recently
> as Barry has gone further and further off the
> rails, and he's getting desperate to stop it.

Lately we have had quite a good run smacking down Barry's straw men and pushing 
HIS buttons. In today's post, "Why aren't you TMers *proud*..." Barry worries 
lurkers might think poorly of him.  Since all the regular poster have already 
heard his same tired story many times about "mix and match" practices and his 
"I don't give a shit" philosophy, today he goes to great lengths explaining 
himself about who he is and what he thinks in a pathetic attempt at damage 
control for the benefit of LURKERS.  Barry has a small cheering leading peanut 
gallery of regulars and it's getting smaller by the day. The only people left 
he could possibly rope into siding with him are lurkers. Barry has been reduced 
to casting his net for LURKERS. Hey, lurkers out there, FYI Barry is a master 
baiter, he catches little fish like you and eats them for lunch. 

"But you guys are on the Long-Term TMers Watch List
because you *do* SELL something. You *consistently*
attempt to sell the benefits of TM on this forum.
By doing this, my feeling is that you should feel
*honored* by being placed on a Long-Term TMers
Watch List and have lurkers on this forum use your
lives and your thoughts and your posts as a measure
of whether TM "delivers" on its promised claims."

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