--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Here's a way to discover something that everyone wants to know, but everyone 
> is afraid to know.
> Here's a way to get a genuine "all bets are in, now lay down your cards" FFL 
> epiphany
> Here's a way for anyone with courage to rank the value of their soul's heft 
> here in a way that is pure democracy in action.  Prepare to become a FFL 
> citizen.
> Here's a way to challenge yourself to calibrate something easily ignored but 
> ignored at your peril.
> Here's a way to get real while risking much of significant value in the eyes 
> of all here.  A true currency is printed by this challenge.
> Here's a way to separate the blowhards from those who have true seeking 
> bones, who gots ta know cuz dey gots ta know.
> Here's a way to step into an unknown that must be known.
> It's simple. I call on all of us to vow to stop posting at  FairFieldLife for 
> a specific period of time if a specific number of FFLers do not "save you" by 
> voting (in a certain time period) for you to stay.
> Here's the catch: YOU ARE THE ONE that gets to decide how much to put on the 
> line, and by the amount of risk you are willing to take, your self esteem 
> will be easily measured by your specifics.
> To illustrate I will begin the contest by vowing that I will voluntarily 
> cease posting at FFL for 
> if by 
> July 7, 2009 
> there has not been at least 
> TEN 
> FFL posters who have posted a vote of confidence in me by requesting that I 
> remain a poster here.
> See?
> Now, that's my vow, and, if it comes down to my not getting even ten folks 
> here to "honor me," then, I'm vowing that I need a month off just to examine 
> my true intents here.  As a threat of sorts, may I remind you that we lost 
> Curtis cuz he took a month off.  Those who would take a vow and then have to 
> make good on the promise, might indeed, be starting a whole new world for 
> themselves.
> But if you want the spotlight, let's see you better the offer by upping the 
> length of time you'd be willing to be gone or by upping the number of posters 
> who must rescue you from that vow or by shortening the time.  Or, hey, post 
> lesser numbers to lessen your risk, but at least show us your appraisal of 
> your self by this "high concept."  
> See? Three ways to measure one's summation of one's appeal here.  My own vow 
> above is a revelation of little value unless others put forth their vows too; 
> therefore, if others here are willing to measure themselves thusly, then I 
> can calibrate who I am by that data, ya see?  And you and I can look at each 
> other with a precise understanding about ourselves in this place. It's called 
> "relationship."  Wanna try?
> Obviously, if one is a troll, one shouldn't even answer this spiritual 
> challenge.  Nope, instead, stay on the sidelines and ridicule those who are 
> willing to do real life here for all to see and toss your monkey poo at those 
> who are willing to give an exact accounting of themselves by confessing to 
> one and all what they think their true "FFL heft" is by using simple numbers 
> that anyone can understand.  
> Each of us can define ourselves with a metric all can use to compare one with 
> the other.  Intimacy, ya see?
> So there's my vow's numbers.  Does anyone have a higher estimate of 
> themselves here? I pushed it muchly methinks, my ego, what a puffed up twit, 
> and I'll be somewhat surprised if I do get ten votes here given the general 
> posting apathy all are mercilessly buffeted by at Rick's Party.
> But, I, for one, find the challenge a truly spiritual process.  After all, 
> don't you want to know if you're kidding yourself about what you're doing 
> posting here?  
> And, you lurkers, here's your chance to just "bop in for a quick vote" if you 
> see that one of your favorite posters has "over vowed him/herself and must be 
> rescued by your brave act of actually coming out of the woodwork and show 
> your face at least once and be part of our destiny here.
> And, hey, talk about your win/wins -- if you lose, and not enough folks vote 
> you to stay within the time limit set by you, then WOW you get to honor your 
> vow, and when you return, it will be with great pride that you did your time 
> in FFL silence.  That'll be amazing integrity on your part, ya see?
> votes by July 7, 2009 or I'm gone for a month, and I don't have any vacation 
> planned, and I want to keep posting.  Rescue me.
> Gulp.  Man o Man o Man I hope I get at least one vote!  This could be utterly 
> devastaing.  See?  It's a true risking of a real currency plunked on the 
> barrel-head for the purpose of egoic clarity and social therapy.
> Wanna play?
> Edg


Vote for me!

I see your one month
your 10 votes

I raise it 
the summer
and 13 votes
for me

13 votes for me
I'll check back in September.

or not.

Ah fun!
Let's see what happens!

A vote for me is a vote for difference!
Vote for me!

: *)

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