Okay, here's a question:

What if Chopra had been Guru Dev's right hand dhoti instead of Maharishi?

Cosmic question for me, cuz, geeze, he wouldn't have been so stupid as 
Maharishi to make levitation promises etc.  He would have published his 
interpretation of the Gita -- all the chapters, not just up to the point where 
worshiping Krishna became so obviously a Hindu religious thingy -- he would 
have been far far more eloquent than Maharishi, far more verbally devotional, 
far more likely to tell Guru Dev stories (he rats out Michael Jackson, so why 
wouldn't he tell all his "I was with Guru Dev when he" stories?)  He would have 
been so much more marketable in his doctor mode with business suit too.  Geeze, 
now I'm wishing this idea were true just to be in the bliss of the ignorance of 
being his disciple -- ugh, sigh....

So let's count our blessings that Chopra didn't get born a couple decades 
earlier, otherwise, I'm pretty sure I'd still be meditating with a mantra that 
couldn't change my silly ways and caught up with the syrupy words and 

We have been abused by a guru who wouldn't even talk to us for the last 40 
years; we all know what an onrush of love we'd have felt if Maharishi had 
suddenly said, "Yes, let's have questions?"  Well, Chopra would take the 
questions and sell us on the answers with his smooth-criminal energy.  

Gotta thank Chopra for leaving the movement -- otherwise, it'd be all of us 
doing puja to Mahakingy Deepyji -- the natural successor to Maharishi -- not a 
geek scientist with a tinfoil crown.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Chopra enters Zone of  Power --- OffWorld Prediced it.
> Here is where Deepak Chopra enters his Zone of Power.  He has been a
> sideshow to Maharishi for decades ( I saw him in Skelmersdale in the
> late eighties, and I was the only one in all of the TM'rs worldwide
> (yes, including the asshole Turq.) ...that saw , and out-loud predicted,
> in front of  about a thousand+ TM'rs, Chopra's ego-centrist
> self-removsal from the TMO. (you might want to take heed of OffWorld's
> predictions. He is only occasionally wrong. And even that is statistally
> insigificant in its occurance.)
> However, I did not predict Chopra's full frontal, unabashed, and rampant
> return.
> The ignorant Naysayers on FFL do not undersrtand this yet, but Chopra
> has ONLY JUST entered his Zone of Power, in which Mahaishi will now
> become stronger. This is my sense...not some need to prove a point, like
> Turq and Vaj produce daily.
> You will see this unfold now....slowly but surely.
> Chopra just entered his Zone of Power. Before this time...he was just
> stretching and warming up. Now he has been called onto the soccer
> field....finally.
> You don't understand this yet.
> I know NOTHING about Jyotish, in fact, I fukin' hate Jyotiah and all
> predictive Jyotish, as you have all seen me declare LOUDLY on FFL in the
> past  (except pre-emptive Yagyas.... ie. not prediction, just
> preperation for what might be) .......so any actual Jyotishis among you,
> that have Chopra's chart, I ...OffWorld.... predicts that  you will find
> the above characteristics in Chopra's chart RIGHT NOW in late June 2009.
> Its a fact. You will not be able to avoid it, in all your analysese.
> I have disliked Chopra since long before all you RU's had your doubts
> ... long before any of you....but PERHAPS  I was wrong....Chopra just
> came forth, and his --- current  action, performed from within the Being
> that was established before ---  will only end in  an honest declaration
> of the truth.
> (I also predict ...just to add challenge to this already presumptious
> challenge -- that, if you examine Vaj or Turq's Jyotish charts you will
> find the complete demise, and unfortunate irreleventation, of these
> afore-mentioned pseudo-intellectuals.
> C'mon Vaj and Turq. --- Put forth your Jyotish chart for the Jyotishis
> on FFL to examine.
> Believe me, it is in your best interests to not ignore this later
> request.
> OffWorld
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <no_reply@>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Michael Jackson's family wants 2nd autopsy:
> >
> > """Michael Jackson's family wants a private autopsy of the pop icon
> > because of unanswered questions about how he died and the doctor who
> was
> > with him, the civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson said
> Saturday."It's
> > abnormal," he told The Associated Press from Chicago a day after
> > visiting the Jackson family. "We don't know what happened. Was he
> > injected and with what? All reasonable doubt should be addressed.""
> > snip
> > ""Also Saturday, spiritual teacher Dr. Deepak Chopra said he had been
> > concerned since 2005 that Jackson was abusing prescription painkillers
> > and most recently spoke to the pop star about suspected drug use six
> > months ago.""
> > ""Chopra said Jackson, a longtime friend, asked him for painkillers in
> > 2005 when the singer was staying with him following his trial on sex
> > abuse allegations. Chopra said he refused. He also said the nanny of
> > Jackson's children repeatedly contacted him with concerns about
> > Jackson's drug use over the next four years.
> > He said she told him a number of doctors would visit Jackson's homes
> in
> > Santa Barbara County, Los Angeles, Miami and New York. Whenever the
> > subject came up, Jackson would avoid his calls, Chopra said.""
> >
> > Associated Press -
> >
> http://new.music.yahoo.com/michael-jackson/news/jesse-jackson-family-wan\
> \
> > ts-2nd-autopsy--61990644
> >
> <http://new.music.yahoo.com/michael-jackson/news/jesse-jackson-family-wa\
> \
> > nts-2nd-autopsy--61990644>
> >
> >
> >
> > ...I'm just sayin'
> >
> > OffWorld
> >

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