YS II 47:


Taimni's translation:

By relaxation of effort and meditation on the 'Endless'
(posture is mastered).

That seems to be the only suutra in YS that consists
of a mere adverb (indicated by the [grammatical] dual
[number] ending of instrumental/dative/ablative [e.g. 'by', 
'for', 'from'], -bhyaam).

It's rather obvious that Patañjali has for some reason
wanted to divide the previous suutra (sthira-sukham 
aasanam [prayatna-shaithilyaananta-samaapattibhyaam]) in two.

Because we are dealing with the saadhana-paada, it just
occurred to me: perhaps PJ wanted to emphasize that
'relaxation of effort' (prayatna-shaithilya: effort-relaxation)
applies to all or most of the eight an.gas of yoga, 
not just aasana! :0

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