--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <babajii...@...> wrote:
> Your Whole day, should be focused on 'Silence'...
> Even when you're walking around town, shopping or whatever you do...
> Just allow your witnessing presence, to drop, to your heart...
> Allow your presence, your awareness, to be with the upper heart 
> center...'EYES(wide) OPEn MeditatION>

Yeah...you folks on the Long-Term TMers Watch List
should *listen up* to this sage advice.

* As you are saying that your practice of TM makes
you better and more evolved than the lowlives you
are comparing yourself to, you should be focused
on 'Silence.'

* As Nabby is acting out his Nazi heritage and 
badmouthing Buddhism the same way his forebears 
badmouted Judaism, he should allow his witnessing 
presence to drop to his heart.

* As someone is telling some non-TM-meditator to 
STFU because he's been TOLD several times 
(presumably by his betters) what is true and what 
is not, that person should allow their awareness 
to be with the upper (not the lower...that would 
be bad) heart center.

* As you are claiming that the Laws Of Nature want
you to be celibate, you should move your attention
(without straining, of course) away from that lower
chakra that is still reacting angrily to the woman
in the supermarket aisle who committed the unpardon-
able sin of causing you to spring a boner by just
walking by and move it back to the heart center, 
which is more "lawful," Laws Of Nature-wise.

* As you are claiming that nitpicking someone else's
words is just as creative as thinking them up your-
self, and possibly even more so because after all 
it was Maharishi doing the nitpicking, you should 
dwell in 'Silence' and focus on the heart center...
before reposting someone else's words again yourself 
and considering them equally "creative." If you focus 
hard enough on the 'Silence' while retyping someone
else's words, history shows us that some people will 
actually believe they were yours.

If you do these things, everything will be OK and
no one who is actually watching the Watch List will
think that you're a bunch of spiritual bigots...


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