How this all started was with asking god for truth on things, such as the 
celestial nervous system. I manafested answers that by asking the relative God 
or the absolute for truth on things I had questions about. For example, I asked 
for truth on what happens when you die enlightened and 24 hours later I got in 
a conversation with someone who then sent me an email of the posting on the 

  This lead up to one night God comming to me before I went to sleep and 
started speaking to me. There were a few other meditators came along and 
started listening to my conversation. I was a student at the time and all of 
them listening were students. One thing I remember from the conversation was 
when God told me I was wrong on everything; everything my parents taught me and 
everything I knew was wrong. This was of course when I was going to school at 
MUM and was having a hard time knowing if what my parents taught me was really 
right. After he convinced me that I was wrong on everything I was sitting in an 
egoless state like everything from my heart was gone. Then after sitting in 
this state for a few moments he then said you're right on everything, 
everything you know is right. This is when I saw reality in a different light 
like I saw the grand truth of life. I saw it in the most beautiful way, It made 
me cry when I was in this state. I saw it like it was just a joke. After about 
an hour of being in this state It got old and I wanted to come back to my 
normal life and I thought "the only thing you're suppose to know is you're not 
suppose to know". 

I continued my conversation with the other students listening and participated 
for a few days. One thing I remember God saying was Being and doing were two 
differnent things. There's a lot to this conversation but I don't remember it.

 At this time I was taking the Siddhis program and when I went in the evening 
there was a lot of energy in the room. God then asked me if I'd do something 
for him and I said yes. Right then the Siddhis instructor looked at me and said 
"Shain do you have any experiances to share" I then calmly walked to the front 
of the room got on the stage and said "I talk with God, he's talking through me 
right now and he wants everyone to know that Maharishi Makes mistakes as well 
as him and me." I then calmly went back to my seat and the instructor said 
Shain we'll talk after the instuction. This was all with absolutely no anxiety 
and the room seemed like nothing happened at all, All of my actions were 
spontaneously right. People afterwords said "see you tomarrrow Shain or have a 
good day, like Nothing happened at all. When I went up to talk to the 
instructor he was sitting there and said that he was concerned and we had an 
entire conversation without any anxiety whatsoever. This was all with me not 
making any mistakes doing all movements and actions absolutely correct: If he 
moved in I would shift my legs or anything else that was spontaenously right. 
But out of all of this I would make mistakes like my shoes being untied and me 
tieing them or me saying that I missed my mediations.

  Then I walked out peace palaces and walked through the snow and I remember 
God taking me through the trailor park saying how millions would listen and I 
don't remember the rest. I remember everything was spontaeously right and I 
laid down in the snow and put my hand up to something. I also remember the 
crossroads at the park they were there and I made a choice where to go and I 
chose a direction (don't remember what they meant). I also rememer being asked 
what I want to do the big thing rated at a 5 or the small thing rated at a 3 
and I of course chose the big thing. I also remember someone, I think it was my 
spirit guide, who said you don't have to go through this, but I ignored it. 

After this I walked back to my vastu dorm a car with security guards came to 
pick me up. While they were taking me back I said outloud "I make mistakes". I 
said something else but I don't remember what I said. When we arrived at the 
vastu they had quite a few of the people in the movement there. They were 
checking on me asking quetions and I remember saying things to some of them 
that God told me to say. They took one of the people listening, a freind of 
mine, into the next room and he told them his experiance. They then took me to 
the hospital and gave me some medication and told my dad to come get me 
immediately from Wyoming. They then took me back to a trailor with two people 
from the school.

 That night I went through the Polarity of Fear it was a scary experiance. It 
said at the begining I could be something to help everyone forever and I 
agreed. It then got scary as it said once you're in you cannot get out and 
started and I remember people such as my dad comming in it said one has to stay 
forever and it kept getting more scary. I don't remember how long this lasted 
but after a while it stopped.

 The next day it seemed like I was in another dimension or alternate universe. 
All of Fairfield acted completely different. It seemed like something they 
would do on another planet. I remember talking to others in the form of "what 
do you know that I need to know." or "I know what you know". There were 
different levels or dimesnions I would learn different things from differnet 
ones. There were also Triune Beings which involved getting three people or more 
into one Being. When I went in the school everyone didn't look each other in 
the eyes except when you interacted with them. This was inspontaeous right 
action not to interfear with others Being as they'd walk right past you without 
interacting with you. In the evening I remember I went through the polaritiy of 
fear again and it was scary once again, but once again it stopped. after this 
there were twelve dimensions that I was learning from. I remember Archangle 
Michaol, who did not look like an angle but a demon of a 12 headed human-lion. 
I beleive there are 2 archangle Michaols. I remember everything was just 
contrast-contrast. As those in the 12th dimension have alot of pleasure, but 
I'm not sure how they go through pain. I only went up to the theird level. 
After this my dad came and took me home on a 2 day drive home. Here I talked 
with many different beings and such and this has many stories to it. 

To fastforward a week 3AM on the morning after Christmas I was acting out of 
what I beleive was my higher self, I spontaneously did a chant or dance of 
calling in some what I was told were Pleiadians. I agreed to get on their ship. 
They were very Intelligent and very nice but were not human. They were 
transparent looking and we walked together into the snow. Since I though it 
would be a just a walk outside I didn't get my shoes on. I went out barefoot. 
This of course lead to a 15 minute walk through the snow to a feild where we 
stood for awhile when I asked how long it would be they said 15 minutes and 
then I decided to leave. I started to run home but the aliens tried to catch up 
right like they were angry. Then Jesus Christ came into my body turned my head 
and Said "F U x 1" to them and the aleins fell back. They then caught up and he 
said "profanity x 2" He then got a lttle humorous with it and said "profanity x 
30" and called out larger and larger numbers until I got home. He then said 
some kind of chant through me in a Jersuleum language then I went through a 
very painful frostbite.  My feet are fine but the story continues that was 7 
months ago and things are still a little odd. There more to the story from what 
I've experianced but I just thought I'd share.

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