On Jul 14, 2009, at 7:45 AM, shempmcgurk wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:

Despite the fact that MAPI claims they test for metals, at least two
products have lead in them according to the JAMA article Lead,
Mercury, and Arsenic in US- and Indian-Manufactured Ayurvedic
Medicines Sold via the Internet. Who knows how many other MAPI
products are similarly tainted? And these aren't even the product with
heavy metals listed as ingredients!

The two products that were shown (in this sampling) to have lead
contamination were "Vital Lady" and (LOL) "Worry Free".


I have not read the entire JAMA article; but I note what is written in the very first paragraph:

medical system used by a majority
of India's 1.1 billion
population.1 Ayurveda is also
used worldwide by the South Asian diaspora
and others.1 However, since
1978 more than 80 cases of lead poisoning
associated with Ayurvedic medicine
use have been reported worldwide.

Assuming a majority of 1.1 billion is the minimum -- 550 million -- and there have been 80 cases of lead poisoning in 30 years, that means that there have been less than 3 cases a year for less than 100s of millions of practitioners.

Gosh, that's an incredibly LOW number (and not even fatalities!) that would be the envy of western pharmacology!

Western medicine should aspire to such success!

Most of the lead poisoning is probably at a subclinical level and of course not all will be diagnosed correctly (or at all). Heaven forbid you're taking this crap when you're brain is still developing. There's a long history of such poisonings in India. Singer-songwriter Bruce Cockburn tells the story of such a poisoning, not for cheap medicines, but to make cheap flour:

Years ago when my brother was in India
A small town baker got a bright idea
He cut his flour with pesticide
and sent a bunch of neighbours on their longest journey
He was just being cheap -- trying to make a profit
Didn't even have shareholders to answer to

But it's worth remembering, as we sell off the forest
gene-splice the world's food into an instrument of control
maim and destroy as acts of theatre,
what came next -
That when the survivors looked around
and understood what had been done
they butchered
that baker

Mercury shiva-lingams are quite popular, but very expensive to render (relatively) non-toxic. So what do enterprising Indians do? They mix mercury with methylene blue to solidify it so they can sell them. This renders them solid but still highly toxic. People will pour milk and honey over them and drink it.

It's also worthwhile mentioning, the lead contamination problem is likely more of a problem for the disreputable Ayurvedic pharmaceutical companies, like MAPI, that don't use traditional harvesting methods, but instead use cheap herbs other companies discard or are taken from tainted industrial sites or sites where contamination of the soil has occurred. The companies do this to make a fast buck, often preying on the poor. However most companies don't CLAIM to have tested for metals, put out substandard, crap medicines, JACK THE PRICE UP and sell it to yuppie new agers and the wealthy. In this way MAPI is unique in that they use slick advertising with pictures of pristine scenery and promises of health to push their tainted products. Mahesh's version of the baker's tainted flour: greed rules, if you can get away with it.

And we're not even talking of the alchemical products in the MAPI materia medica. Those would list heavy metals comparable to the highest of those in the JAMA list. They even list the metals, in milligrams, on the label! You can probably still get these products, as they were seen as highly powerful and evolutionary by Mahesh, from enterprising Purusha and TMers. They have a long use in TM inner circles (decades). They smuggle them in to the US and then sell them here. Unfortunately all the old MAPI websites that had archived links on the Wayback Machine to these lists are now blocked by a robots.txt file from the TMO...

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