> The Hindutva View of History: Rewriting Textbooks
> in India and the United States
"There is much ground for believing that Ancient India
was central to the origins of civilization. And why?
Because of the internal evidence of the Vedas themselves.

1) The Rig Veda, our oldest human text, describes the
geography of Northern India, including the seven rivers.

2)The Vedic Calendar was based on astronomical data,
which places the Vedic Culture in Northern India.

3)The Vedic Hymns reflect a profound spiritual culture,
whose symbolism includes Yoga, Shramanism, and
Divine Mother worship.

4) Wove into the fabric of the Vedas is the history of a
maritime culture, reflecting a familiarity with the sea..."

Read more:

From: Willytex
Subject: Re: When did the Aryans come into India
Newsgroups: alt.meditation,
Date: February 10, 2000
http://tinyurl.com/nb2xt8 <http://tinyurl.com/nb2xt8>

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