WillyTex wrote:
> Bhairitu wrote:
>> Indians grow the trees...
> 'Piper betle' is the leaf of a vine belonging
> to the Piperaceae family. The betel plant is
> an evergreen and perennial creeper.
What's your point?  I have a tree in the back yard that grows vines with 
some kind of bean pod.  Do I call that a tree or a plant?   Indians I 
know called it a tree.  So what if they are botanically incorrect?   I'm 
not going to go search the Internet every fucking time I make a 
statement.  Image a conversation around a dinner table if people did 
that.  They would all have to have  laptops or netbooks and the 
conversation would be very  stilted.  You are really scraping the bottom 
of the barrow if you believe you are discrediting me.  Maybe you ought 
to work on your own credibility instead as it is zero here.

And besides the real point is that Indians do grow betel plants here 
meaning you may well be able to plant the nuts you get.  Now I'm not 
going to go the Internet to find out if that is possible.  I don't have 
time for that with the casual conversation here on FFL.   And betel 
leaves should NOT be a controlled substance.   But neither should 
marijuana either.  One wonders how betel leaves became a controlled 
substance?  Maybe as a way to kick Indian immigrants out if needed?

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