> I find the idea worrying. Someone with depression wanted
> to visit this clinic, not sure how it turned out but what
> doctor could kill someone *just* because they wanted to die?
> Depression is always curable, all it takes is effort and
> a search for the personal best cure. I don't think it should
> legal anywhere for someone to be helped to die because they
> are unhappy, for whatever reason, it's a part of life. Wanting
> to die because your partner is dead is normal but it aint 
> the end of the world. people do get over it.
> I think all this is symptomatic of our cultures' alienation
> from the natural process of dying and mourning. There's
> a real feeling nowadays that if someone doesn't live a full 
> and happy life until they are 90+ someones gotta be sued.
> Life aint like that, it's bitch.
> Having said that, I've watched good friends die long and
> painful deaths and I think the attitude that we have to suffer
> til the bitter end is wrong. I wouldn't let my dog suffer like
> that, why inflict it on people I love? But it's not for the 
> depressed or unhappy, emotional pain goes away. Lying on a 
> table and being injected with a lethal dose of painkillers 
> can't be considered a lifestyle choice can it?

You hit the nail on the head.  I agree with much of what you say here.

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