--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <wg...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "David Palmer" davidpalmer108@
> >
> > Yoga Sutras says that the Kleshas (mental thorns, obstacles to
experience of aatmaa) are removed by effort and indifference, or
application and non-attachment, abhyaasa vairaagyaabhyaam tan nirodhah.
> > Or, as Maharishi would say, by an effortless effort.

It is the vrittis (states of the mind, types of thought), not the
kleshas, that are obstructed by effortless effort. Apologies for my poor

> > Jai Guru Dev
> First one has to achieve progress in Yoga (or samadhi) before the
kleshas can be removed, that's the object of the other limbs of
Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga.
> By bringing the arrow back on the bow and achieving the full power of
the mind and shooting it in the direction of *natural law* one obtains
freedom. One compliments the other, without the outer guidance and
support, the inner experience becomes absent or weakened.
> Patanjali devised *8*, read em', EIGHT limbs or means to Yoga, not
just one! MMY was referring the the method of meditation itself
(effortless effort) and not the overall subject of removal of the
kleshas, if you're waiting for TM to 'kick in' you'll be waiting a long
time for it to heal you, why not put you life in harmony with the laws
of nature as well as meditate? This is what Patanjali is recommending
for speedy progress to Yoga.
> Of course, if you're just interested in a little rest and a little
inspiration now and then, then just keep what you're doing. Patanjali's
recommendations are for serious students only! (TM is Yoga-lite for
> As MMY so accurately said (years ago when no one was looking),
"...Each limb is designed to create the state of Yoga in the sphere of
life to which it relates". Gita/on Yoga
> You're only getting a half a loaf my friend with TM the was it is
being taught, if you're serious you'll look more deeply into the
teaching of Yoga as prescribed by Patanjali and others.......
Yes Billy, I agree absolutely, you are totally right. But isn't it true
that we do things related to all 8 limbs already in the TM programme.
Which limbs do you feel we are neglecting?

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