--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Fail.
> Ad hominem.
> You lose Judy. Again.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > Gee whiz, is Barry already drunk this early in
> > the day?

Recent comments by azgray:

"Did anybody ever come clean and tell us how
much Mrs. Clinton had to drink the morning she 
broke her elbow? Musta been plenty. From what 
I've heard, that battle-ax can put it away."

"Nice try Raunchy remora fish. Tis' [sic] a 
shame you have to keep your teeth cleaning 
skills sharp with the likes of WillieTex [sic]. 
Perhaps the Jersey Junkyard Dog will swim by 
soon to attempt to cover up your dimwittedness."

"McEwan is an oft discredited scribbler of 
gibberish who clearly has been abused more than 
than [sic] Adam Lambert's uvula. She rarely
makes a  lick of sense and almost never exhibits
any ability to make any sense whatsoever. To call 
her homely is kind. With luck she will follow 
Andrea Dworkin's example and not sully the gene 
pool by reproducing."

If you're really here to try to help Barry save 
his sorry butt from the evil feminist monsters,
it'd probably be a good idea not to commit the 
very same sins you accuse them of committing, 
only more so.

Let's see now, my post was in reference to the
one in which Barry erroneously identified a 
male right-winger's blog as that of McEwan, as 
I recall, claiming the posts therein all 
reflected McEwan's hatred of Obama, when in fact 
McEwan is a progressive and a supporter of 
Obama's. Barry even quoted a post by the right-
winger, plainly signed by him, and attributed it 
to McEwan.

Gosh, I wonder why you snipped all that.

Speculating that Barry was drunk when he wrote 
the post wasn't ad hominem, it was giving him 
the benefit of the doubt.

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