> > What you need to understand, Zoran, is that we are
> > talking about non-theistic Vedanta. In non-dualistic
> > (Adwaita) Vedanta, the Creator is not the ultimate
> > reality, so TMers aren't very concerned with the
> > names or nicknames of the Devas, Gods or deified
> > heroes of Hindu mythology.
> >
Vaj wrote:
> You seem really confused. TM is not nondual Vedantic
> contemplation (nididhyanasana).
You're the confused one, Vaj, you have not even
offered up a definition of 'Vedanta'.

According to David Frawley, "Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi's Transcendental Meditation follows a Vedantic
view of consciousness and cosmic evolution"
(Frawley 4).

> In fact the four levels of nididhyanasana are not
> even taught in the TM movement Willy. Didn't you
> know that you were to question what the guru says?
> Otherwise confusion like this ends up making you
> look like a babbling idiot...
Well, I don't think Pandit David Frawley is a 'babbling
idiot' and I dare say he knows more about Adwaita

> Didn't you realize that TM is a dualistic form of
> meditation? That's why it produces a
> witness-consciousness. It's a shame when this kinda
> thing happens to poor TMers, but I gotta tell you,
> it is pretty funny!
Yeah, it's funny all right, but I wonder how funny
you'd sound to David Frawley!

"An acknowledged Vedantin, Frawley is an expert in
ayurveda, Vedic astrology, yoga, and  tantra, all of
which, he says, have their basis in Vedanta..."

Read more:

by Suma Varughese
Life Positive, May 2002
http://tinyurl.com/me2uwl <http://tinyurl.com/me2uwl>

Work cited:

'Vedantic Meditation: Lighting the Flame of Awareness'
by David Frawley
North Atlantic Books, 2000

Other comments of interst:

"The TM bija mantras are found in the Vedic
literature, revealed to the rishis by Lord
Dhanvantari, then Acharya Shree, Brahmanand
Saraswati, gave all the bija mantras to Marshy
for our enjoyment. Then the sage Vedavyasa
attached the Mân.d.ûkya Upanis.ad. to the
Atharva Veda and the Brahma Sutras to the
Vedanta. Our root guru, Sri Gaudapada then
made comments on the Omkara in
Mandukhyakarika. And, we have the
Soundaryalahari, which was composed by
the Adi, for our understanding..."

Read more:

From: Willytex
Subject: The TMer Tradition
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: January 6, 2006
http://tinyurl.com/l2bwnx <http://tinyurl.com/l2bwnx>

"In fact, the origin of TM is none other than
the Adi Shankara himself, as stated by
Acharya Sri in his Sutrabhyasa, in his
Soundaryalahari, and in his sub-commentary
on the Vivarna of Veda Vyasa on Patanjali's
Yoga Sutras..."

Read more:

From: Willytex
Subject: The TMer Point of View
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: October 22, 2005
http://tinyurl.com/ls4nlo <http://tinyurl.com/ls4nlo>

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