For those interested in learning the technique that
Raunchydog has referred to recently -- "Poking The
Badger" -- I pass along the following. It is a list
of instructions gleaned from the vedic literature,
in particular the GottaGetoff Sutra. 

Be warned, because it is said right in that sutra 
that this practice and other related practices of 
TM (Toxic Masturbation) are very powerful, and can 
possibly lead the spiritual aspirant astray, into 
the realms of madness and obsession. Practiced 
properly, however, "Poking The Badger" and other 
forms of Toxic Masturbation can result in the 
achievement the state of CC (Cosmic Cuntitude) 
within a short five to eight year period.

1. First prepare your environment. On your puja 
table place your laptop (connected to the Internet,
of course) and your TM Helper device. (Make sure 
that the Toxic Masturbation Helper's batteries 
are fully charged, or your Poking The Badger exper-
ience may not be as satisfying as it should be.)

2. Log in to your favorite location for practicing
Toxic Masturbation in public, such as a spiritual
chat forum or a political forum on which some 
posters have failed to bow down properly to you
or to Saint Hillary.

3. Fire up your TM Helper. That 'BZZZZZZ' sound you
hear is the sound of the Cosmic OM, allowing you
to find a resonance with Cosmic Goddessitudeness.
Apply the TM Helper as directed on the label.

4. Next, pick a victim for your Poking The Badger
session. It need not be a <spit> man; it could 
just as easily be a woman who has failed to bow
down to you in the past. The only essential thing
is that the victim has to have written you off
as a bad bet and have a track record of NEVER 
responding to any of your brilliant arguments as
if they were really brilliant, or worth dealing
with at all. This is important, because if you pick 
someone who actually treats you as if *anything* 
you could ever say could possibly be worth arguing 
about, steps 5 through 7 below won't work properly.

5. With your TM Helper switched on and firmly in
place, write a stinging post calling the victim
on his or her sexism and Send it off. In the post,
be sure to include another fantasy argument that
means nothing to anyone in the world except your-
self, that the victim is "supposed to" respond to
or "refute" in some way.

6. Sit back and wait for the victim to fail to
respond. This may take the form of ignoring you
completely, of laughing at you, or of pointing
out that the thing he or she is "supposed to" 
respond to is ridiculous and not worth wasting 
time on, or that YOU are ridiculous and not worth 
wasting time on. In the study of Toxic Masturbation,
this is what we call "foreplay."

7. When the victim has thus set him- or herself
up for what we call "nailing," deliver the pièce
de résistance and "nail" them. Turn your TM
Helper up a couple of notches and type: "HA! 
Gotcha! You failed to respond to my brilliant
made-up argument. I win!!! You have *proved* 
yourself to be sexist!" and press Send.

8. At this point, for most Toxic Masturbation prac-
titioners the objective of Poking The Badger is 
achieved and they can sit back and share a ciga-
rette with their TM Helper. But if it doesn't work 
the first time, just repeat step #7 several more 
times, saying the same thing over and over until 
you reach the state of cumadhi.

9. Practice as necessary until you attain CC.

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