Here is what is confusing me about the Gates case.

I have heard commentators say that Gates was "racially profiled" by the 
policeman who came to his home.  Although Gates may have been profiled by the 
neighbor who made the initial call to police/911 that started this whole thing 
off, there certainly wasn't any racial profiling done on the part of the police 
officer that went to the house.


Because "race" wasn't a consideration in determining whether Gates had 
committed an illegal act.  The cop was already looking for a "black male", as 
described by the neighbor.  Had a crime been committed and a black was stopped 
by a policeman on the street near where the crime was committed solely because 
of his skin color then, yes, this would have been racial profiling.  But in 
this case ONLY blacks were suspected because that is what the identity of the 
suspect was described as.

Here is the Wiki definition of "racial profiling":

"Racial profiling is the inclusion of racial or ethnic characteristics in 
determining whether a person is considered likely to commit a particular type 
of crime or an illegal act or to behave in a 'predictable' manner." 

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