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In the Vedic Civilization the administration was based on the highest
level of consciousness. Maharishi has explained that the ideal
administration has its seat in the silence of pure consciousness,
Brahman. The birth of Brahman, pure consciousness, is on that delicate
level of existence and intelligence where the birth of silence is from
activity and the birth of activity is from silence. Brahman integrates
these opposite values of silence and activity. Silence is Gyanshakti
(Gyan = knowledge, Shakti = power) and activity is Kriyashakti (Kriya =
action, Shakti = power). Brahman is made of these two opposite values,
silence and dynamism, but at the same time it remains completely
unified. On this level there is no difference between silence and
dynamism. This field of the perfect union of the two opposite values
qualifies as the supreme level of administration. This field of
administration is a field of all possibilities. By associating with this
level of consciousness, the government keeps all knowledge and the
application of this knowledge lively in the collective consciousness of
the people.
  [National Maharishi Yagya® Performances]
National Maharishi Yagya Performances to
Establish a Perfect Government In Your Country

Administering an Ideal Society

Starting on the Day of Lasting Achievements (27th April, 2009) a series
of special Maharishi Yagya® performances has begun in India,
requested by responsible citizens who have come forward to sponsor
National Maharishi Yagya performances for their country. For those
countries that have found supporters, new sets of National Maharishi
Yagya performances commence on:

1. 25th July to 4th August 2009 (First Set)
2. 6th August to 16th August 2009 (Second Set)

Contributing to these National Maharishi Yagya performances brings
threefold benefits:

1) Participation makes you the instrument through which the effects of
the Maharishi Yagya program flow to your country;

2) this also makes you a primary beneficiary in Maharishi's global
plan to create Heaven on Earth; and

3) it gives you the rare opportunity to accumulate life-supporting
effects for your own life by supporting Maharishi's world-wide plan.

Every Country has the Government which it Deserves

Maharishi has brought to light the principle that to have a better
government, the country has to improve its deserving ability by raising
its collective consciousness. The quality of government depends on the
quality of the collective consciousness of the people. When the
collective consciousness of the country is united and coherent, then one
individual, a king, can represent all the divergent interests of the
people. When the collective consciousness disintegrates and different
interest groups appear in the country, then democracy is born. Each
group has its own representatives who meet as a body to work out a
solution for the whole country. When the collective consciousness
deteriorates further and fighting among the interest groups occurs even
outside the halls of government, then democratic rules fail to establish
peace and harmony in the country. After some time the desire for harmony
and unity grows in the collective consciousness of the people and a
dictator appears to end the unrest and administer the country by force.

In the past decades we have seen the world come to a state of war and
destruction, which brought humanity to the brink of extinction. It was
only through Maharishi's untiring efforts to bring peace to the
world and invincibility to all countries that world consciousness has
started to rise and the global danger has been averted. In more recent
years we have seen dictatorships, including the dictatorship of the
proletariat,  mostly disappear from political life. The time is now
favoring the rise of world consciousness to a level which supports a
Vedic civilization.

Ideal Government is Based in Silence

In the Vedic Civilization the administration was based on the highest
level of consciousness. Maharishi has explained that the ideal
administration has its seat in the silence of pure consciousness,
Brahman. The birth of Brahman, pure consciousness, is on that delicate
level of existence and intelligence where the birth of silence is from
activity and the birth of activity is from silence. Brahman integrates
these opposite values of silence and activity. Silence is Gyanshakti
(Gyan = knowledge, Shakti = power) and activity is Kriyashakti (Kriya =
action, Shakti = power). Brahman is made of these two opposite values,
silence and dynamism, but at the same time it remains completely
unified. On this level there is no difference between silence and
dynamism. This field of the perfect union of the two opposite values
qualifies as the supreme level of administration. This field of
administration is a field of all possibilities. By associating with this
level of consciousness, the government keeps all knowledge and the
application of this knowledge lively in the collective consciousness of
the people.
  [Global Country of World Peace]
In Maharishi's plan a large group of Vedic Pandits is to be placed
in the Brahmasthan of India for the whole world to create coherence and
peace on a global level.

National Maharishi Yagya Performances Promote Silence
and Coherence in Your Country

Maharishi has designed a global plan to promote silence and coherence in
which the Vedic Pandits performing the National Maharishi Yagya program
play a central role. This plan is based on a number of strategic
locations in India which allow us to create influences beyond the small
boundaries of each place, influences that extend to all the countries
outside of India.

The most important location is the Brahmasthan of India, the central
point of India, which Maharishi has declared to be the Global Capital of
Raam Raj. India, the land of the Veda, plays a special role in the
world. The Vedic texts report that creation started with the first
sunrise on the zero meridian which runs through India. As the sun was
moving towards the west other parts of the world were revealed
successively. As the starting point of creation the Brahmasthan of India
is of importance for the whole world. In Maharishi's plan a large
group of Maharishi Vedic Pandits is to be placed in this central point
for the whole world to create coherence and peace on a global level.

In addition to the Brahmasthan of India, Maharishi has included the
twelve Jyotirlingas—the twelve principal seats of Shiva—in his
planning. Shiva represents the eternal silence at the basis of creation.
The Jyotirlingas are not isolated locations but are connected with other
places on earth. According to Maharishi's plan, large groups of
Vedic pandits are to be placed in these locations. Their Yogic flying
and their Maharishi Yagya performances will stir the silence of Shiva
and channel Shiva's influence to the other locations inside and
outside of India that are connected with the respective Jyotirlinga.

Maharishi has further divided India into 48 areas which he called
Brahmananda Saraswati Nagars in honour of his great teacher Swami
Brahmananda Saraswati. Each Jyotirlinga is connected with four of these
Brahmananda Saraswati Nagars. Each of these Brahmananda Saraswati Nagars
has its own specific quality of consciousness with emphasis on specific
areas of the Vedic knowledge. According to Maharishi's plan, large
groups of Maharishi Vedic Pandits will be deployed in each of the
Brahmananda Saraswati Nagars to enliven all the different qualities of
consciousness and of Vedic knowledge throughout the world.

Each of the 48 Brahmananda Saraswati Nagars is connected with four
countries outside of India which covers all 192 countries on earth.
Maharishi's plan includes the building a Maharishi Tower of
InvincibilitySM in each country, a seat of knowledge and learning that
will be a home for a group of Vedic pandits and a group of national
Yogic flyers. These Maharishi Towers of Invincibility will maintain a
lively and uninterrupted flow of silence and Vedic knowledge from India.

Maharishi Yagya performances are a great gift of Maharishi to the people
of the world. Making use of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits by deploying
them in strategic locations in India to create influences for the whole
world shows his great genius and his status as a teacher of the whole
world. This is the first time in known history that everyone can
participate in a plan uplifting the whole world. The benefits derived
from participation in this plan are equally great and comprehensive.
  [Global Country of World Peace]
The Yogic flying of the Vedic Pandits and their Maharishi Yagya
performances will stir the silence of Shiva and channel Shiva's
influence to the other locations inside and outside of India that are
connected with the respective Jyotirlinga.

An Invitation to Support your Country by Contributing
to the National Maharishi Yagya Program

Every contribution is welcome. If your contribution meets a minimum
level of $1250.00, your name will be included in the Sankalpa of the
Maharishi Yagya performance. In this case you may select one of the
Maharishi Yagya performance purposes listed on the donation form to be
part of the Sankalpa. Also, you may have the performance done for any
country of your choice.

The Maharishi Yagya purposes listed on the donation form are part of the
National Maharishi Yagya program and do not require a Comprehensive Life
Kundali or Maharishi Yagya performance recommendation. They enhance life
in a general way in the direction indicated by those purposes. However,
they do not replace planetary Maharishi Yagya performances for the
individual to protect one from harmful influences, or special Maharishi
Yagya performances to promote specific desires. For such
individual-specific purposes, please contact your national coordinator
for the Maharishi JyotishSM program or national office for the Maharishi
Yagya program.

Please feel free to share this knowledge and forward this email to your
relatives and friends. Anyone who would like to join the mailing list
for the National Maharishi Yagya performances and other Maharishi
Jyotish and Maharishi Yagya services can do so at this link: <>

Jai Guru Dev

Please contribute by using the form at
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Maharishi Yagya Program Time Zone Office serving your area.  To view the
donation form, a pdf file, you may need Adobe Reader, a free download
available at

Please call the local phone number for your Regional Time Zone Office.

Maharishi Yagya Programs – Time Zone 9 Eastern States
(CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, MA, ME, MD, NJ, NC, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, VA, VT,

530-877-8332 (phone)
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Maharishi Yagya Programs – Time Zone 10 Central States
(AL, AZ, AR, CO, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NM,

503-639-0464 (phone)
503-639-3860 (fax)

Maharishi Yagya Programs – Time Zone 11 Western States
(AK, CA, HI, NV, OR, WA)

530-877-8332 (phone)
530-327-7736 (fax)

(Outside the U.S.A. and Canada, please contact the Maharishi Yagya
program's international office in Switzerland at +4141-825-1525
phone, +4141-825-1526 fax, <> 

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rights reserved.

® Maharishi Yagya, Maharishi Vedic, and Maharishi Jyotish are
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