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    * The Time of Revelation, by the Master
—     * Questions and answers
hor-Questions-49575>      * Letters to the Editor 
ter>     * The star heralding Maitreya's emergence
starheraldingmaitreyaemergence>      * Signs 
ns>     * Letters to the editor about the 'star'
terstar>      * Faith - excerpts of compilation 
thcompilation>     * Water Sound Images
ersoundimages>      * We must rise against the injustice in Palestine
ustrise>      * Tackling the Global Financial and Economic Crisis
klingtheglobalfinancial>      * Magazine subscriptions
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issues <http://share-international.org/magazine/si_previous.htm>      *
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The Master's article for
Share International magazine, July / August 2009 
> The Time of Revelation
by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme, 14 June 2009

For many years, the peoples of most countries have followed, more or
less meekly, the edicts of their legislators, the politicians. This has
largely been the case whether the legislative system was democratic or
otherwise. This is now beginning to change. Far from quiet acceptance of
unpopular laws, peoples in many countries now demonstrate and demand
change. With the exception of those countries under tight military rule,
the people, more and more, are demanding to be heard, to have their
needs addressed, and bad laws righted. As the beneficent energies of
Aquarius gain in potency, this growing power of the people will multiply
and become the most powerful voice on Earth. So much is this the case,
even now, that governments of all kinds are forced to take account of
the peoples' reaction to laws which deeply concern their welfare. It
becomes increasingly difficult for governments to govern along strictly
factional lines. Much government action is secretive and obscure, much
is done `behind the scenes' of which the people never hear, but
generally, governments, at least in the so-called `democratic'
world, are careful not to rouse the ire or discontent of the people.

Major area

There is one major area in which this is assuredly not the case. For
over sixty years, governments worldwide have withheld from the people
the reality of `UFOs' or `flying saucers'. Further, they
have sought by all means to denigrate the occupants of these visiting
craft as `aliens', destructive and harmful to the people of
Earth. To keep their populations under control, and to avoid
`panic', they have denied the experience of hundreds of
thousands of intelligent, open-minded citizens. They have thus created a
major myth: "`flying saucers' do not exist but they are
dangerous and rapacious to men of Earth"! Likewise, they have taught
the people to deride the notion that crop circles are a legacy from
Space, yet every government has unassailable proof of the existence,
creativity and superior technology of these brave and harmless visitors
from the sister planets of our System. Our profound ignorance of the
subtle planes of matter has allowed the major governments of the world
to maintain this deception for so long.


At last the time of revelation has arrived. For no longer will
government agencies hide the truth from men of Earth: their brotherhood
with the far-off planets of our Solar System. Already, the
"star-like luminary", the Herald of Maitreya's emergence, is
showing people worldwide that for years they have been deceived by their
governments. You may be sure that Maitreya will reveal the truth of our
relationship with the other planets, and of the co-operation which for
long has continued between us. It is in truth the time of revelation.

(Read more articles by the Master)
> Questions and Answers
Q. (1) Is the new `star' the return of the star of Bethlehem or
the "sign of the Son of Man" as prophesized by Jesus? (2) Are
all the things that have been happening in the recent past, signs of Him
appearing soon? (3) How do you explain the Bible's prophecy in
Matthew 24:29-31, where Jesus says He will come "on the clouds of
heaven with power and great glory"? And the scripture that says:
"And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple, even
the Messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight. Behold, He is
coming", says the Lord of Hosts." (Malachi 3:1) This is plainly
talking about a real temple in Israel (to me, at least). The problem is
that the Jewish people have not rebuilt the ancient temple of Solomon.
This prophecy is yet to be fulfilled. (4) How do you see this happening?
A. (1) The `star' is, symbolically, the sign of the Son of Man
and heralds the first appearance of Maitreya, the World Teacher, on US
television, interviewed not as Maitreya, but as an ordinary man. (2)
Yes. (3) Maitreya descended from His retreat in the high Himalaya on 8
July 1977, stayed some days in Pakistan, then came from Karachi to
London, UK, on 19 July 1977, thus "coming in the clouds" which
today all can do by aeroplane. (4) The `temple' referred to in
this symbolic text is not a building but means humanity, to which the
Son of Man returns as the oldest and highest of men.

Q. Fear still sells better than hope. This is one reason for media
inhibition of the `star'. Fear also governs their editors. I had
an experience with a nationwide paper whose editor in chief refused to
publish an advert for the `star'. He didn't state any reason
for declining, but I guess it had been fear of something strange,
peculiar and controversial. Most people would rather go on in old
self-destructive ways and media as a whole are the last ones who would
dare to disturb them from their sleep.
A. I totally agree.

Q. What is your opinion about the recent elections in Iran such as the
electoral process and the alleged results? (1) How accurate were the
stated results? (2) Which president would have been better for Iran in
the long run: Ahmadinejad or Mousavi?
A. (1) I believe that the Iranian elections, like ex-President
Bush's two elections, were deeply flawed by serious
`rigging' by the incumbent party. The public reaction in Tehran
can be well understood and justified. (2) Mr Mousavi.

Q. Is the new type of influenza caused by our wrong thoughts or
environmental pollution?
A. Not so much by pollution but certainly it comes from our wrong
thoughts and action. You will notice that at the end of any heightened
tension or war, there will be waves of influenza epidemics, sometimes an
international pandemic, sometimes restricted to a certain area. Wars put
humanity under stress. The resulting tension creates conditions of
disequilibrium. This affects the sub-human elemental forces, and those
connected with health will affect humanity in such a way as to create

In the same way, as we are in disequilibrium, we affect elementals whose
work is to maintain weather patterns. They go out of equilibrium, and
the result is the totally disturbed weather patterns in the last 20 to
30 years.

Where you have cyclones, for example, they are exaggerated, because the
forces are out of equilibrium and they become massive cyclones and
destroy parts of nations. Many thousands of people die in these cyclonic
eruptions which are normally relat­ively safe.
Likewise, with the tectonic plates, which move in relation to each
other, and as they move, create tension which is released as
earthquakes. All around the Pacific is an area of earthquake activity
which becomes heightened by the wrong thoughts and actions of humanity.
The quakes are strengthened so that where they are strong, they become
very severe. It is a distortion caused by the earth's

Humanity is inclined to think mechanistically, but the world is a unit,
an organic living being. Every atom of that being is related to every
other atom. So we have to learn to think in a different way, not
separatively but organically. The only way to live correctly, under the
Law of Cause and Effect, is to organically understand and live in this
organic space, planet Earth.

Q. How great is the danger from nuclear weapons?
A. Humanity is the key. If we do not listen to Maitreya's advice for
sharing, justice, peace, and right relationship, this Earth will cease
to be. We either share or we die. We now have the most powerful weapon
that has ever been devised, the nuclear weapon. Japan had two atomic
bombs dropped on it at the end of the Second World War. Compared with
the bombs of today, those were like toys, but they killed many thousands
of people. Today, it is believed that nine nations in the world have
nuclear weapons. These are the official ones; there are actually 24
nations which have nuc­lear bombs, openly or otherwise. If these
were used, it would be the end of life on planet Earth for millions and
millions of years.

This planet is filled with pollution. Our pollution is pouring into the
atmosphere, ocean, sea, river, earth, either pollution from our
industrial wastes, or pollution from our atomic energy, so-called safe
Like other nations, Japan is getting ready to build more atomic power
stations. Those who build atomic power stations are under the illusion
that they can control nuclear energy – that they know all about it.
They are living in an illusion while so many are dying from the effects
of nuclear pollution. They understand only three planes of matter: solid
physical, liquid physical and gaseous physical. They know nothing about
the four further states of matter known to the Masters and called the
etheric planes. They do not have the technology sensitive enough to
recognize the etheric planes; the instruments are inadequate. People are
dying needlessly from the effects of radiation on those four higher
levels. We have to get rid of nuclear radiation in all its aspects as
soon as we possibly can.

Q. In what way do the inhabitants of other planets help humanity? And
why have there been so many UFO sightings over the Netherlands, as
mentioned recently in Share International?
A. The first thing to understand is that UFOs, Unidentified Flying
Objects, may be unidentified by the government agencies, but they are
real, they exist and they have a mission. Without their help this planet
would by now be uninhabitable. All the UFOs entering our airspace come
from the planets of our own solar system. The majority of them come from
Mars and Venus. We are told that there is no life on Mars, and that
Venus, too, is uninhabitable. This is because those `wise'
people who tell us these things, the governments and the scientists, do
not understand anything about energy. Esotericism postulates seven
physical states of matter. We have instruments to measure only solid,
liquid and gaseous physical, so we assume, due to our limited
technology, that there is nothing higher than gas. It is not true.
So if you went to Mars, you would see nothing unless you had etheric
vision. There are actually more people on Mars, although it is a smaller
planet, than on Earth. If you went to Venus you would see nothing, but
there are people on Venus and all the planets of our system. The Masters
of our planet are in touch with the ­Masters of the various planets.
The solar system acts as a unit. The planets are not isolated but are in
contact moment to moment, and they evolve together. If one falls behind,
as this planet has done, it causes concern for the others.

The Beings in the UFOs, from whatever planet – mainly Mars and Venus
but others too – have a tremendous task in working to eliminate, or
at least reduce, pollution.

Pollution is the greatest threat to humanity. More deaths are caused by
pollution than by any other cause. Pollution causes the breakdown of our
immune systems and therefore opens us to all sorts of illnesses to which
we would otherwise be immune.

We think we can control nuclear energy. We build nuclear power stations,
but they pour into the air as part of the process, energy which the
scientists who built them cannot even measure. We do not have the
technology to measure above gas and those top four layers of atomic
energy are the most destructive to humanity and the animal kingdom.

A vast amount of the Space Brothers' time and energy is spent
neutralizing, so far as they are allowed under Karmic Law, nuclear
pollution on planet Earth. We owe them an enormous debt.
Another part of their tremendous work for planet Earth is that they are
replicating, on the physical plane, the magnetic energy field around the
planet. The energy field is made of flows of magnetic energy and where
these flows meet and criss-cross a vortex or centre of force results.
They are replicating that centre of energy on the physical plane in
connection with a new technology which will give us unlimited energy
direct from the sun. The relationship of sun energy and magnetic energy
from our magnetic field will free humanity, and give us safe, unlimited
energy for every human need.

What do you think crop circles are? They are points, vortices on this
magnetic grid created by the Space Brothers. This is the new Technology
of Light, which is forecast by Maitreya. These vortices are, of course,
all over the world, not just where there are crop circles. The crop
circles are there to draw attention to the fact that the Space Brothers
are there. They are amazing constructions. They are made in seconds by
the `ships' of the Space Brothers. They are complex and
beautiful constructions which cannot be made in any other way. They
appear all over the world but the majority are in the south of England.
Why? Because Maitreya is in London.

Recently, my Master talked about a `coming together of the Forces of
Light'. He meant the coming of the Masters into the everyday world;
They are the Forces of Light on our planet. But also the joining
together with the Forces of Light of Mars and Venus and perhaps other
planets in large numbers. Where there were one or two, there will be
many. Where there were many, there will be even more. And everywhere,
not only in the Netherlands, but everywhere. Increasing numbers of
people are sending in reports of UFO sightings.
In London near where I live, one night recently there were 17 flying low
over the ground. They were seen by many people who stopped their cars,
got out, and watched this parade of UFOs flying about.
So there is a coming together of these forces. People will record more
and more evidence of the `flying saucers', the `UFOs'.
They are all part of the plan of the emerging Hierarchy of our world.

Q. There were terrible bushfires in the state of Victoria, Australia, in
February 2009. Around 200 people died, over 1,800 homes were destroyed,
and some estimates say a million animals perished. Was the cause karmic,
or the weather Deva's being out of balance, or just a natural
A. Karmic, which upsets Devic equilibrium and, I'm sorry to say, by
senseless human beings with a grudge.

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