I thought Stockholm syndrome was the irresistible urge by tourists to
shop and buy Swiss chocolate by the pound.
Barry is certainly guilty of this.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...>
> As a young man, Barry spent several impressionable of his life in a
cult with Zen Master Rama," a.k.a. Dr. Frederick P. Lenz. Lenz was a
crazy sadistic bastard who shredded Barry's ego to little bits by
pushing his buttons.
> Judy wrote:
> […Barry has] a tiny ego that's so fragile it's constantly in
danger of collapsing completely. That's why almost everything he posts
here has to do with defending it, either by exalting himself or
denigrating others.
> raunchydog wrote:
> "Barry is married to the idea that pushing buttons is a "good" thing,
a virtuous pursuit, a technique for enlightenment he learned from his
abusive asshole guru, Rama. Barry emulates him everyday pretending he's
doing it to "help" us not take ourselves so seriously. He has become so
deranged from engaging in this odious technique, that he has completely
masked, even from himself, the boiling rage that generates and motivates
his daily attempts at button pushing."
> Barry wrote:
> "Rama used to run the pushing-buttons-for-the-person's-own-good act on
us, as his students. He would actually TELL us what he was going to do
to us, and then do it, and it would work *anyway*, because our egos and
selves (small s) were so locked into them-selves that they thought he
was fucking with us about what he was really doing, and not being honest
with us."
> Judy wrote:
> "…the notion of tearing people down "for their own good" is just a
flimsy excuse to give vent to his anger and attack them without
> Lenz committed suicide.
> Judy wrote:
> […committed suicide] perhaps he had a searing insight into what
his compulsion to abuse his students said about him as a person and how
fraudulent it had been for him to pose as a spiritual teacher when he
was so desperately screwed up himself."
> The effects of Stockholm Syndrome on cult members is well documented.
The victims identify with their captors and eventually emulate the
captor's behavior. Is this what happened to Barry?
> raunchydog wrote:
> "The inner voice of Rama pounds like an anvil in Barry's brain
> causing him to compulsively push buttons…"
> There is daily evidence Barry engages in the same abusive button
pushing behavior as Lenz. IMO Barry is a victim of Stockholm Syndrome.
What say you?

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