Establishing 8,000 Vedic Pandits at the centre of India: Raja of Invincible 
by Global Good News staff writer

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27 July 2009

The initiative to establish at least 8,000 Maharishi Vedic Pandits at the 
Global Capital of Raam Raj in the Brahma-Sthan of India, and later large groups 
at 48 Brahmanand Saraswati Nagars* and other locations in India will secure 
permanent peace for the whole world. 

Ultimately there will be about 325,000 Maharishi Vedic Panditsin this 
peace-creating role, said RajaHarris Kaplan, Raja of Invincible India for the 
Global Country of World Peace, continuing his Guru Purnima Day** address on 7 
July 2009 in MERU, Holland. 

Please see Part Iand Part IIof this article. 

'The key now . . . is to create this first group of 8,000 at the Brahma-Sthan 
(auspicious geographical centre of the nation), and secure from that one place 
the security of the whole world,' Raja Harris said. 

Already over 1,500 acres (607 hectares) have been acquired there, and the basic 
infrastructure elements of roads, utilities, water, and communications are 
already in place. 'More than 200 buildings are completed, capable of 
comfortably accommodating about 2,000 Pandits. Construction has also begun in 
the main campus area, and two more areas, so that based on our current level of 
planning, we can comfortably get up to 8,000 Pandits,' he said. 

'We will accomplish this goal of 8,000 and we will secure the monthly support 
for these dear Pandits,' Raja Harris said. 

'Theirs is a highly blessed role for the world. They gain mastery of Atma—their 
own Selves—and of the systematic utilization of the reverberations of Atma, 
from where all the infinitely diversified activity of creation emerges and 
remains. Their Vedic performances, from this unbounded, eternal basis of all 
life, are going to uplift all life everywhere. 

'Our role is also blessed—to enjoy our own long deep meditations, to enjoy our 
lives in fulfilment and the dawning good fortune for all mankind, and whenever 
and however possible, and without strain, to support our dear Maharishi Vedic 
Pandits,' Raja Harris concluded. 

* Brahmanand Saraswati Nagar: Maharishi has perfected the organization of his 
global Administration through Silence, by establishing an administrative 
structure centered around the 12 sacred Jyotir Linga in India—each of the 12 
Linga associated with four key cities of India. Each city will have a special 
administrative locale known as the Brahmanand Saraswati Nagar, in honour of 
Maharishi's Master—Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru 
Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas. Each of these 48 cities also 
maintains a relationship with four countries of the world—and thus the eternal 
silence of the Veda, total Natural Law, will be radiating from India, the Land 
of the Veda, to uphold the invincibility of 192 countries. 

** Guru Purnima: Annual full moon celebration of the eternal Vedic Tradition of 

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