Dear Sir's and Ma'am's, a question if I may.

Well a couple or more questions actually.  A scenario :- ) Let is say
that you found something somewhat outside of normal daily common
experience and you wanted to learn more of this. What would you do?  Two
things spring to mind. Ask somebody and see if they know; or find out
for yourself the same way that you found that bit.

But the latter is easier said than done. So if you asked somebody, or
they told you without your requesting the information from them, then
how would you know that they are telling the truth, either about the
truth of their own finding of it or the truth of the assertion itself? 
You cannot know what you do not know until you know it. So, how would
you choose a guru if gurus were your thing, and by what criteria would
you choose one of the many thousands out there?  Would one use the
criteria of them telling you what you wanted to hear – or what?  How
do you recognise truth (or a lie) from hearsay unless you have already
found that thing for yourself and know which is which?

Dick Richardson

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