>    The tea bag fringe might be on to something tho in their protesting.
>    Herein, some famous people who favored gun control.
>    Hitler
>    Castro
>    Qaddafi
>    Stalin
>    Idi Amin
>    Mao Tse-tung
>    Pol Pot
>    Kim Jong-IL 
>    And, probably a few more you could think of.
>    With their combined governments, the number of people that have been 
> exterminated must run into the billions.
>    As we talk, it is still happening although not well covered in the news.
>    Some few people here see that as a problem and are speaking up.
>    I would favor the Swiss outlook on the subject.
So, we need more guns? 
We have around 9,000 nuclear warheads, that makes a lot of sense, too, I guess.
Can't have enough nuclear missiles, can we?

I guess if we fall behind on our payments to China, they could always  send a 
few Walmart ships to different ports, loaded with some unexpected cargo...

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