Humans and Their CO2 Save the Planet!

Posted By Frank J. Tipler On August 5, 2009 @ 6:59 am In . Column2 07, . 
Positioning, Legal, Science, Science & Technology, US News | 89 Comments

As the Senate considers the fate of the cap-and-trade bill, we should consider 
what it means for more carbon dioxide to be added to the atmosphere, something 
the bill intends to prevent.

Carbon dioxide is first and foremost a plant food. In fact, plants take carbon 
dioxide from the atmosphere and use the energy from sunlight to combine the CO2 
with water to yield glucose, the simplest sugar molecule. Carbon dioxide is 
also the source of all organic — this word just means "contains carbon" — 
molecules synthesized by plants. Without carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, 
there would be no organic molecules synthesized by plants. The less carbon 
dioxide there is in the atmosphere, the fewer organic molecules synthesized by 
plants. All animals depend on plants to synthesize essential organic molecules. 
Without the organic molecules synthesized by plants, the animal world could not 
exist. Without plants, there would be no biosphere.

Several million years ago, a disaster struck the terrestrial biosphere: there 
was a drastic reduction in the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere.

The flowering plants evolved to be most efficient when the percentage of CO2 in 
the atmosphere was about 1,000 parts per million. But the percentage had 
dropped to a mere 200 parts per million. Plants tried to adapt by evolving a 
new, more efficient way of using the little remaining CO2. The new mechanism, 
the C4 pathway, appeared in grasses, including corn and wheat, which enabled 
these plants to expand into the plains. If the carbon dioxide percentage had 
stayed low — or worse, had decreased further — the entire biosphere would have 
been endangered.

Fortunately for the plants and the rest of the biosphere depending on them, a 
wonderful thing happened about 150,000 years ago: a new animal species, Homo 
sapiens, evolved. This creature was endowed with a huge brain, enabling it to 
invent a way to help the plants with their CO2 problem. Gigantic amounts of 
carbon had been deposited deep underground in the form of coal, oil, and 
natural gas. Not only were these reservoirs of carbon locked away in rock, but 
they were in forms of carbon that the plants could not use.

These wonderful humans, however, worked hard to help the plants. Not only did 
the humans dig the coal, oil, and natural gas, bringing it to the surface, but 
they converted these raw materials into the only form of carbon that plants 
could use: carbon dioxide. Due to the diligent plant-saving efforts of the 
humans, the CO2 atmospheric percentage is now at nearly 390 parts per million. 
Were humans to continue in their biosphere-rescuing efforts at the present 
rate, the CO2 level will be returned to normal in a mere few hundred years.

The cap-and-trade bill is designed to stop this effort to save the biosphere. 
This is a profoundly evil act. In the words of the Nobel Prize winning 
economist Paul Krugman, anyone who supports the bill, or any measure aimed at 
reducing the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, is "guilty of 
treason against the planet"!

Those who want to reduce the use of fossil fuels are the mortal enemies of the 
biosphere. They must be stopped at all costs! Write your senator at once!

The astute reader will have noted that Krugman actually accused those who 
opposed the cap-and-trade bill of "treason against the planet." What I have 
done is use well-known science to show that, from the biosphere's point of 
view, it is the cap-and-trade bill that is "treasonable." Remarkably, Krugman 
assumes that the climatic conditions of a mere century or so ago are the 
"natural" ones that must not be changed. A very anthropomorphic point of view 
is being used to denounce humanity. An ultraconservative reactionary political 
position is being called "progressive."


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