A Shot of Angel Dust and the Move Forward

August 7, 2009

Santa Fe, NM

So much has recently been under “re-construction” in regard to ascension 
hierarchies, or what I frequently refer to as rungs, but much has been 
accomplished now, and forward movement is now at our fingertips. The new plan 
or new set of hierarchies has been set up on “the other side,” so to speak, as 
well as at all dimensional levels, and it has been interesting to see things 
unfolding in different and amazing ways.

As of yesterday, and even a few days before, things have finally been put into 
place. Manifestations of this new anchoring in within the new rungs could be 
felt as, again, sore feet (grounding once again), deep sorrow (for all the 
losses and things left behind), weeping in gratitude (for our new connections), 
deep sleeping (after many weeks of sleepless nights), a great tiredness, 
sleepiness, or fatigue (sleepiness occurs when we cross dimensional borders), 
and emotional states of high grace and great love for all mankind. Or maybe, 
simply feeling just plain weird.

There will now be varying vibrational rungs of residency for those who have 
recently crossed over, as there were so many at so many different levels, even 
though many were indeed ready and waiting for a very new beginning. This is not 
new for ascension, and vibrations always fall where they may, in regard to 
where each soul belongs at any given time.

The energies up until now have been very flat-lined, strange, noticeably 
absent, and simply not there. For those of us who have such a strong connection 
to Source, it may have felt as though we were non-existent, acutely empty, and 
connected to absolutely nothing. When challenges occur in our lives, always 
having that familiar and comforting connection greatly served to keep us sane 
and afloat, remembering who we were, where we were, and at best, that we were 
not hanging out there in mid-air. But with the energy of Source seemingly gone 
altogether, it has been a very strange, acutely uncomfortable, and at best, a 
“just be in the moment” time. A stillness and emptiness I have yet to have 
experienced through the ascension process. But we needed to be removed from 
everything for a while, as the re-structuring process had to be completed, and 
we could not be in the middle of a highway when the road was being repaired. 
Things have felt just plain weird.

The solstice of June 21 created the most massive explosion of energies as I 
have ever seen. For me, I had been very aware of my next steps and new phase 
for a while, but the solstice created such an upheaval, that I lost the entire 
month of July to acute stress, as many of my family members were undergoing 
rapid upheavals, sudden changes, deep losses, and the like, and for that entire 
month, I was barely walking, talking, or aware of much of anything. The 
explosive energies of the solstice itself, were also very difficult to 
accommodate for me, as I am sure for many of you as well, especially if you are 
unusually sensitive. I have never had a more stressful month in my entire life, 
than I did in July. A trip to my beloved medical intuitive, who placed me on 
some 5-HTP, has now restored me again, and I am ever so grateful!

We are in a very new space now, and this new space has some very new guidelines.

I have been writing for some time now, that we will be the ones who will hold 
the light more than ever before. In this way, we will connect less and less to 
outside or “off-planet” energies. So in this way, it is all up to us now. The 
old pattern of waiting for assistance from a celestial event, from solar 
flares, or even from our angels, will now be fairly moot. We are the angels 
now. An analogy might be, hoping that a government would take care of us, thus 
giving our power over to something else, when it is really us who needs to take 
over, jilting a so called government, and becoming the new “governing body” 
ourselves. We are now able to do this…we are now at this stage…we are now 
holding more light than ever before.

We are indeed now the angels of the earth.

So then, this changes things to a large degree. This means that we will feel 
those higher energies when we connect to each other. We will notice that when 
we “see” each other, support each other, connect to each other, and create 
together, that the energies come in quickly, we feel great, things manifest 
rapidly, and we feel normal once again. When we part ways, are off on our own, 
and spend time alone, the energies immediately drop, as they cannot be 
sustained now, all on their own, without the new grid of connecting souls.

When we are not connecting to each other now, a depression sets in. We can feel 
down, depressed, very sorrowful, as if everything has simply dropped. Feeling 
that ultimate burn out of having to do everything ourselves, of receiving 
little or no help, of feeling that we have been holding the planet up all on 
our own with one little finger, is now very over. Connecting to each other 
lifts things up to the new and higher level, as well as creating that new and 
higher level in itself. It is very much up to us to create this new level, and 
we will create it through the connection to each other, as we are the ones 
holding the light, as well as being the ones “we have been waiting for.” We are 
now holding enough light within ourselves to accomplish this, and this is what 
we have been waiting for.

As we begin to connect to each other, and to help and support each other, we 
will notice that not everyone is at our particular level. Some souls will be at 
higher levels and some at lower levels. But this does not mean that we cannot 
connect to all souls who have “crossed over,” or who are basically anywhere, 
for that matter.

A massive chasm is now present in relation to the old reality and to those who 
have crossed over. You will know this because you will feel it intensely when 
you bump into the old reality. The energies there will feel like a knife 
stabbing you in the heart. You will feel ignored, highly dis-respected, 
belittled, not seen, not listened to, not acknowledged, perhaps made fun of, 
and even patronized. Anger will most likely not even occur for you, as you will 
be so taken aback that shock and bewilderment are more likely to be felt than 
anything else.

When anything “good” happens, or even when we are treated well, we can fill 
with tears, as we are so surprised by it all. This experience is very common 
when spending substantial amounts of time in the old reality.

As we begin to vibrate higher and higher, a mutual respect, along with really 
seeing whomever and whatever surrounds us, and acknowledging its presence in 
gratitude, becomes ever present, and anything less can shock the heck out of 
us. But this all ties in with connecting to our brothers and sisters now, as 
this is what will be occurring very rapidly in times to come.

Those who are creating physical spaces on the other side, or in the new 
reality, will experience much in the way of miracles and support….and it can be 
support from anyone, no matter where they are residing. The solstice marked 
“the end.” It was the final benchmark for all the waiting and for doing as much 
as we could possibly do, to bring this planet up in vibration. We pulled out 
all the stops. We went on for years beyond our original intention, holding up 
the planet with our light, and healing, serving, and transmuting the lower 
vibrating energies through ourselves. We even added a massive influx of new 
energies through the arrival of new souls via multiple births. We could do no 
more. And now we must move on, as that final benchmark of June 21st, 2009, has 
finally been reached. It is indeed over.

So even though we had to re-structure the vibrational hierarchies in order to 
move ahead, ahead we must move.

The re-creation of the new planet earth is now at hand. And it is indeed in our 
hands. So in this way, we will be creating very new spaces, and these new 
physical spaces are what I am referring to in regard to angels arriving in 
human form in order to assist us with these creations. These creations can be 
stores, retreat centers, new communities, or the like. And what they will have 
in common is the simple fact that when one is there, they will feel all the 
goodness, all the higher energy, all the sense of home, and what we have always 
known and dreamed about.

These will be physical locations on the planet, meaning these energies will no 
longer be experienced in meditations, through reading, or in any other virtual 
reality. And this is the beginning of the new world, and a vital necessity as 
well. Otherwise, we would have absolutely nowhere to go, as there is nowhere 
left in the old reality!

If you are one who is afraid to go “out there” once again in order to create 
your new physical space, or even your store-front…not too sure about 
interacting with the lower, ungrateful, or disrespectful vibrating energies, 
know that it is OK to trust once again. You will not need to interact with them 
this time. There are methods for weeding out and becoming invisible to the 
lower vibrating energies. Many of these methods are described in Heaven’s Gate, 
but know as well, that you will indeed discover them on your own when the time 
is right.

Part of my new endeavor involves connecting us together in the physical. So 
although not quite ready yet, I will indeed be offering this service in times 
to come, and I would imagine, because of the new energies we are now 
experiencing, others will be doing the same.


With much love and gratitude,



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