mirza wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
>> So you found this group and what were your expectations? 
>> Yes it is a group of people who have practiced, taught and some still 
>> practice TM.   Many have gone off to other traditions.   Many started in 
>> the 1960s or 1970s.   So they been there, got the t-shirt, the t-shirt 
>> wore out and was thrown in the garbage.  The spiritual horse gets 
>> discussed and sometimes beat to death.  Enlightenment is for many is 
>> like walking and talked about as much.  Of course there are a few who 
>> are trying to figure out what their feet and legs are for.  There are 
>> some academic nit-picking among those whom the academic side of things 
>> appeal.  But  much of that is a waste of time.  So if you were hoping to 
>> spark up some discussion you have about as much chance here as stumbling 
>> into a coterie of yogis in India except that here you wouldn't have 
>> pranks pulled on  you like the Indian yogis would.
>> Got a question?
> Looks to me like I DID start up a discussion. Yup, in any way that one can be 
> described. And I'm happy enough with that. Obviously I won't agree with every 
> one's opinion.There is some pretention on the site, some domineerance, some 
> egoism. But it is mixed in with some very valuable and apreciated discussions 
> about things I have found important to me for years. C'mon, I don't have to 
> marry you guys.Thank God. And I would be shocked if no one ever wanted to go 
> throw rocks at a pond and talk about opinions or experiences or 
> contemplations with other people. If no one wants to from here,It just means 
> I didn't find those people here. So what? So if you think I'm wasting my 
> time, reply to someone elses thread. Or maybe mine is interesting after all? 
> what question would you like me to ask you? I did ask a question, but which 
> one do you desire me to ask?

What I was trying to do was deflect something that often happens to 
newcomers who log on and try the "hey folks lets have a discussion on 
this or that..."  What happens is someone here will jump on that person 
for being so presumptuous and chew them out usually result in Alex 
posting "they have unsubscribed."   This group can be cliquish but it is 
also open to newcomers but you have to approach the group much more 
subtly.   We're all wary of people coming here and wanting to hijack the 
group to their spiritual concerns or believe the group is for purely 
spiritual discussion (and as Rick pointed out wholeness is spirituality 
so any topic goes) .  And there are spiritual discussions here but they 
will pop up more spontaneous than contrived.

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