Marek Reavis wrote:
> --- In, "Robert" <babajii...@...> wrote:
>> --- In, "Marek Reavis" <reavismarek@> wrote:
>>> Comment below:
>>> **
>>> --- In, "Robert" <babajii_99@> wrote:
>>>> I asked an Islamic guy, on State st., Madison, about the name(s) of God, 
>>>> in the Islamic faith...
>>>> He said, there's only one name of God: Allah
>>>> Ok, what about Mohammahd, I asked..?
>>>> No, he's like a prophet like Jesus or Moses, but not the name of God...
>>>> So,  I heard, it's ' a good thang' if after you end a talk with one of our 
>>>> Muslim brothers, to offer the saying: 'Jesus be with you' they see 
>>>> that as an acknowledgement of their faith...
>>>> So, back to the main topic:
>>>> If you say this mantra, real fast...Allah, Allah, Allah...
>>>> Afteer a while, it starts to sound like:
>>>> La, la...La,, la...
>>>> ya all git the idea?...
>>>> r.g.
>>> **
>>> The phrase, "La'illaha il' Allahu", generally translated into English as 
>>> "There is no God but God", which I first heard in high school within a 
>>> comparative religion course (it was a Jesuit high school), never made sense 
>>> to me until I read one of Coleman Bark's introductions to his "The 
>>> Essential Rumi" wherein he translates the phrase into two variants: 
>>> "there's no reality but God; there is only God".
>> That sounds like this Buddhist guy, the other day, that was telling me there 
>> is really no good or evil...just God..
>> It's all a play...
>> Maya...
>> What do the Buddhist call Maya?
>> What is their term for it, anyone know?
>> Better yet, what do the Mayans call Maya?
>> r.g.
> **
> Any idea if Mayan religion incorporated monism within its philosophy?

I have a book written by an Indian historian who puts forth the theory 
that Mexico was populated over a 1000 years ago by Indian sailors who 
got off course.  India once had a great navy in those early times.  
That's why some Mayan and Aztec temples resemble Shiva temples.

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