Partial transcript:

As we draw close to finalizing – and passing – real
health insurance reform, the defenders of the

Notice how Obama has shifted the discussion from "health care
reform" to "health INSURANCE reform." IMO the distinction is
simply a weasel out of emphasizing health care. I suspect at the end of
the day, the insurance industry will get what they want and then some.

status quo and political point-scorers in Washington
are growing fiercer in their opposition. In recent
days and weeks, some have been using misleading
information to defeat what they know is the best
chance of reform we have ever had. That is why it is
important, especially now, as Senators and
Representatives head home and meet with their
constituents, for you, the American people, to have
all the facts.

So, let me explain what reform will mean for you.
And let me start by dispelling the outlandish rumors
that reform will promote euthanasia, cut Medicaid,
or bring about a government takeover of health care.
That's simply not true. This isn't about putting
government in charge of your health insurance; it's
about putting you in charge of your health

The right wing talking point on this is wrong. They fear a public option
(translation: government in charge). Obama is saying the government will
not be in charge (translation: no public option). When I hear
"putting you in charge," I hear GW Bush saying, "Health
Savings Account."

Again, "health insurance reform"

I know he's talking about this in a different context, but I my ears
are attuned to Obama code when I hear it and I'm suspicious.

Under the reforms we seek, if you like
your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like
your health care plan, you can keep your health care

And while reform is obviously essential for the 46
million Americans who don't have health insurance,
it will also provide more stability and security to
the hundreds of millions who do. Right now, we have
a system that works well for the insurance industry,
but that doesn't always work well for you. What we
need, and what we will have when we pass health
insurance reform,

Again "health insurance reform"

are consumer protections to make
sure that those who have insurance are treated
fairly and that insurance companies are held

We will require insurance companies to cover routine
checkups and preventive care, like mammograms,
colonoscopies, or eye and foot exams for diabetics,
so we can avoid chronic illnesses that cost too many
lives and too much money.

  "Requiring" insurance to cover prevention is a great idea but
who will pay? The insurance companies certainly aren't going to pick
up the tab. Question: If we require insurance to cover prevention will
the consumer be required to participate in prevention?

We will stop insurance companies from denying
coverage because of a person's medical history. I
will never forget watching my own mother, as she
fought cancer in her final days, worrying about
whether her insurer would claim her illness was a
preexisting condition. I have met so many Americans
who worry about the same thing. That's why, under
these reforms, insurance companies will no longer be
able to deny coverage because of a previous illness
or injury. And insurance companies will no longer be
allowed to drop or water down coverage for someone
who has become seriously ill. Your health insurance
ought to be there for you when it counts – and
reform will make sure it is.

This is good. Hillary made a strong case for this as well.

With reform, insurance companies will also have to
limit how much you can be charged for out-of-pocket
expenses. And we will stop insurance companies from
placing arbitrary caps on the amount of coverage you
can receive in a given year or a lifetime because no
one in America should go broke because of illness.

This is good and I agree.

In the end, the debate about health insurance reform
boils down to a choice between two approaches. The
first is almost guaranteed to double health costs
over the next decade, make millions more Americans
uninsured, leave those with insurance vulnerable to
arbitrary denials of coverage, and bankrupt state
and federal governments. That's the status quo.
That's the health care system we have right now.

I agree. The status quo is not good. Obama nicely lays out the

So, we can either continue this approach, or we can
choose another one – one that will protect people
against unfair insurance practices; provide quality,
affordable insurance to every American; and bring
down rising costs that are swamping families,
businesses, and our budgets. That's the health care
system we can bring about with reform.

Vague, vague and again vague rhetoric.

There are those who are focused on the so-called
politics of health care; who are trying to exploit
differences or concerns for political gain. That's
to be expected. That's Washington. But let's never
forget that this isn't about politics. This is about
people's lives. This is about people's businesses.
This is about America's future. That's what is at
stake. That's why health insurance reform is so
important. And that's why we must get this done –
and why we will get this done – by the end of this

Great and still not one word about a public option or who will pay for
required coverage.

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