Rick Archer wrote:
> The truth: These accusations-of "death panels" and 
> forced euthanasia-are, of course, flatly untrue.
It is a fact that under Obama's plan there will be
rationing of medical care. There will always be a
rationing of medical care - that's what an insurance
medical system is. There is going to be a panel that
decides what is cost effective medical care, just like
they do now - it's a reform, Rick, not a new system. 

> The truth: With reform, choices will increase, not 
> decrease. 
For a single-payer system to work, everyone must join
- it will be a mandatory system. You can't opt out of 
a single-payer system. You can't have young people
opting out and choosing no insurance and letting the 
old people pay all the bills. You will not have a
a choice - you will join because the funds will be
automatically deducted from your bank account.

> Obama's reform plans will create a health insurance 
> exchange...
Screw your health insurance plan and screw all your
insurance companies, especially screw your government
insurance - they have been screwing you for years and
now you want to support an insurance company. We want
free, universal health care, Rick, not insurance.

> injecting competition into the market to drive 
> quality up and costs down.
There is not a single plan in the Obama bills that
would lower the cost of medical care. You can't give
'universal health care' without a cost increase, with
47 million additional people getting care that are not
presently getting it. You will never get costs down
if you accept everyone's pre-existing conditions.

The only way you are going to be able to lower costs 
is to get discount prescription medications, but Obama
made a secret deal with big Pharma that makes it 
ILLEGAL to buy cheap drugs from Mexico or Canada. 

> If you're happy with your coverage and doctors, you 
> can keep them.
On a single-payer system, you will have no choice - 
everyone must pay into the system, so that everyone 
gets medical care. Nobody gets left behind - everyone 
gets care, everyone gets taken care of. Everyone will 
have to show proof of medical insurance, just like 
auto liability insurance.

> millions of businesses or individuals who choose to 
> opt into it, including many who simply can't afford 
> health care now. 
You forgot about the guest workers - you can't have a
health care system unless you include EVERYONE who 
needs medical care. Obama doesn't have a plan for 
immigration reform until 2013, so millions of people 
living and wotking in the U.S. will have no choice 
until a single-payer system is implemented. Everyone 
will pay in, and everyone is covered.

> discrimination for pre-existing conditions, insurers 
> that cancel coverage when you get sick, gender 
> discrimination, and lifetime and yearly limits on 
> coverage.
There is always going to be rationing, Rick, just like
there is now. There is a limit to how much the U.S. 
public will pay. When you start taxing the workers 
over 50% of their paycheck, there is going to be a 
riot and a tea party like you've never seen. 

> Health care reform plans will not reduce Medicare 
> benefits.
A single-payer system will replace Medicare, so it 
will be reduced to nothing. You can't have a universal 
health care system if you discriminate against older 
people - it just doesn't work like that, Rick. 
Everyone will get equal care in a democratic, free, 
universal health care system.

> We need health care reform now in order to prevent 
> bankruptcy-to control spiraling costs...
The country is already bankrupt - there is no gold in
Fort Knox. All you've got is a trillion plus deficit 
and paper money your print. You're fighting three wars, 
and buying everyone new cars and jet planes for your 
elected leaders. Your government cannot balance a 
check book. 

> Reform, with an affordable, high-quality public 
> option that can spur competition, is necessary to 
> bring down skyrocketing costs.
You just don't get it, Rick. Universal medical care 
should be free and available to all, in a single-payer 
system. You make one small payment and you get taken 
care of, for life. The only way you are going to bring 
down costs is to outlaw medical insurance companies 
and provide discount medications. 

> We need to make sure the truth about health care 
> reform is spread far and wide to combat right wing 
> lies.
You're not going to convince the older people to back 
your plan when you call them liars and Nazis. Just tell 
the truth, Rick, and leave the politics out of it. All 
you understand is left and right political propaganda.

The truth is, you don't really have a plan, you haven't 
read the 10000 page bill, you probably don't even have 
any health insurance. And, if you do, you probably 
don't even understand it. 

> Check out this great new White House "Reality Check"
Do a reality check, Rick: Obama is NOT in favor of a 
single-payer system. 

He is for reform of the current system in which 
millions of people do not get any medical care and 
those who do must pay out the nose to the insurance 
companies and big Pharma. You need to stop calling 
names and just discuss the facts.

No Oxy for Grandma's bad back! No medical care for the
guest workers! Big tax increase on the middle class.
Medical care rationing. There will always be a panel
that decides who gets saved and who is left to die.

"Obama sought to dispel talk that his ultimate goal is 
a single-payer federal health care system, like that 
in countries such as Canada..." 

Read more:

'Obama says health care critics use 'scare tactics''
By Phillip Elliot
Associated Press, August 11, 2009

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