On Aug 22, 2009, at 4:21 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

Hindus in a Buddhist monestary ? Well, please tell that to the Lamas running these monestaries; you are now a Hindu ! They would laugh so hard you would take to the nearest street for an all american Coke.

While on Purusha I met several Lamas that proclaimed us to be real monks, complaining that their own "monks" was masturbating so much that their glow was non-present.

All these Lamas do is adding a TM meditation practise that works, contrary to their old stuffy prayers and meditations that have no effect.

Please keep posting Nabby, you just keeping be smiling! Please don't stop writing here!

BTW, monks of all persuasions, have all wanted to masturbate, or have masturbated, throughout history. I'm pretty sure on that one, even without any scientific evidence. This is simply commonsense. Human nature. But I got a good laugh on that one.

Did you know Maharishi is rumored to have trained in Tibetan Tummo (Skt.: chandali-yoga) at a Tibetan monastery? He was considered a fast sheet dryer, I was told, which means actually he was a good yogi at some level. But yogis do fall.

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