On Sep 3, 2009, at 3:15 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...> wrote:

Rick, my comment had nothing to do with liking or not liking
some of these-called "awakened."  Except for one or two people,
one of whom I am friends with, the other who is Michael Goodman
(enough said, I trust) I don't know for sure who the others
are...but I'll bet I could guess by the way some of them act.
Funny you should mention ordinariness.  The highest
complement someone who's Jewish can give someone
else is to simply refer to them as a "mensch," which
basically translates into "human being."  How much
more ordinary can you get than that?  It basically means
that someone is a good guy, or gal.  No superlatives, no
attempt to exalt anyone or try to proclaim anyone's
superiority (while at the same time subtly putting down others,
all while claiming to be "humble.")  I don't see a whole lot of
"menschness"amongst those making these claims...just another
way to convince others that while these exalted souls might
*look* angry, stressed-out, seem to have difficulty forming
friendships and have almost non-existant relationships (sometimes)
with their children, and generally like they're not having too
much fun in life...that it's all good, that's just their outward
manifestation, that they really are "special" and it's your
problem if you can't see that...you're not evolved enough.
And if their  kids wind up messed-up or on drugs,
well, they're not evolved enough either.
Am I missing something?


Bravo. Deep bow.

You should rant more often. :-)

Really, you should. This is a *great* rant, one that
just *nails* the issue. It's a very *real* perception
of what it's like to live in a small town in which a
lot of people are claiming to be "special."

I think that folks in Fairfield lose sight of the
fact that this is not exactly normal, everyday shit.
Take a walk down Main Street of most towns in the US
and you're not likely to run into anyone who thinks
-- and says -- that he or she is enlightened. From
what I hear on this forum, take a walk down Main
Street in Fairfield and you could run into half a
dozen of them.

So I think it's good to get a first-hand perspective
on how these "special" people handle themselves. Do
they walk their talk?

I've run into a few of these "special" people myself.
Not in Fairfield, but in my travels. Sadly, most do
not impress. As a good friend of mine said about one
of these "special" people, someone we both know well
and love, "The thing about W___ is that he never
fails to disappoint."

We'd love to believe he was enlightened. It's just
that he doesn't let us. He keeps doing really dumb
shit like you describe above.

Well, at least he does something. :)
I guess it never ceases to amaze me how perfectly
rational people can claim to believe is some mystical
state of mind that has no criterion by which to
identify it, and nobody who's in it ever does anything
to benefit anyone else, and if they do it's usually by accident.
I don't see how believing in that is any different than
believing there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Or believing in the Pleidians.  Not to mention that several
of the early "enlightened" ones have since been shown
to be serious weirdos.


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