Santa Monica, circa 1980; Swami Muktananda was sitting there not far from me.  
A speaker came up to the microphone and stated how when the airplane he was in 
hit severe turbulance, he credited his chanting of "OM Namah Shivaya" with 
saving his butt.
 And then I wondered why his chanting didn't prevent the turbulance to begin 
 I saw "Final Destination III in 3-D".  Virtually a plotless succession of 
bizarre deaths, with amusing 3-D effects; although I would have preferred a 
plot.  District 9 was far better.  The basic idea of a human "becoming" one of 
the aliens appears to be taken from an Outer Limits of about 30 years ago.
 Mixed bags of karma:  IF one is to experience bad karma, it's always to have 
mitigating factors/influences which mitigate suffering part.
1979 - I was walking down Westwood Blvd near UCLA toward a co-op-type 
restaurant run by disciples of Swami Satchitananada (the Woodstock Guru).  Just 
as I was walking into the front door I gazed up at the far wall and peered at a 
pic. of the Swami.  Then, two cops grabbed me and took me to the local Santa 
Monica police dept intake place and charged with me (...a serious felony).  
Seems I happened to "look" like a suspect they were looking for.  Spent a 
weekend in the horrendous L.A. County jail.  Case was dismissed at arraignment.
But in the meantime I "happened" to know some of the Swami's foremost disciples 
who took me to see him.  The disciples explained the situation and he 
"Shakti-ized" me with Blessing which I'm convinced help mitigate the karmic 
  Also, my Great Aunt "happened" to be a good friend of the then Governor of 
Calif - Dukmejian.  She contacted him and the Governor got ahold of those 
a-hole cops (I know...just doing their job).  One of the cops came to my apt 
and apologized for the whole affair.
 Also, before the event transpired I was chanting the Surangama Mantra a lot.  
That might have helped mitigate the karmic influence.
(it's hard to prove outright cause and effect, but various connecting karmic 
links suggest a connection).

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