On Sep 11, 2009, at 3:22 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Suggesting that Richard Thompson "owes" his style
to Mark Knopfler is even more stupid than saying
that a former TMer who has moved on to another
path's success in later years -- whether that
success be financial or social or spiritual -- is
due to and attributable to his former association
with Maharishi.

I first heard of RT when it was somewhere pointed out that Fairpoint Convention was the favorite live band of Led Zeppelin--and of course Fairport had RT as their lead guitarist. One of Jimmy Page's favs? I just had to hear them. And that was long before anyone had every heard of Mark Knopfler and long before Dire Straits even existed.

I think Nabby should just stick to listening to old Wings albums. ;-)

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