CBS Poll: 

The day after Mr. Obama's congressional address, CBS re-interviewed 678 adults 
first questioned in a poll conducted August 27-31. 

Last week, just 40 percent of these adults approved of how the president was 
handling health care. More, 47 percent, disapproved. 

After the speech, 52 percent said they approved and only 38 percent said they 

Those are the best assessments for Mr. Obama's handling of health care shown 
all year by CBS News Polls.

+ +

New AARP Poll: Obama Turns the Tide

A new poll conducted by the AARP show that Pres Obama's speech to congress has 
totally changed the landscape. The poll was conducted for folks 45 and over.

Before the speech 70% of respondents said they had at least some questions or 
concerns about what was being proposed by either party with regard to health 
care reform. This includes 77 percent of Independents.

• Of those who had questions and concerns prior 
to the address, nearly three-quarters said that 
their questions and concerns were talked about or 
addressed during the speech. This includes 72 percent 
of Independents.

• Nearly seven in ten of those who reported hearing 
their questions and concerns talked about or 
addressed said that they were supportive of the 
proposals being talked about related to health care. 

This includes 63 percent of Independents.

• For each political affiliation, a majority of 
respondents said that reform of the health care 
system should be a priority for political leaders 
to address in 2009. 

This includes 70 percent of Independents.

Also 58% of Democrats and 85% of republicans had concerns before the speech. 
After the speech 88% of democrats and even 56% of Republicans said their 
concerns were addressed. Overall 73% said their concerns were addressed.

63% of independents are now supportive of the proposal put forth by the 
president, along with 43% of Republicans. Overall 68% support the proposal.

76% now say healthcare should be a priority this year, including 70% of 
Independents and 56% of republicans.

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