On Sep 12, 2009, at 9:16 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Sep 12, 2009, at 7:54 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > One of the things I am most thankful to the Rama guy
> > I studied with for is introducing me to the practice
> > of surfing Places Of Power. (...)
> My family has always stayed at a power place on the Canadian
> shield over the summer, that also turned out to the UFO
> sighting capital of Canada (in fact it's the area mentioned
> in a song "Huge orange flying boat rises off the lake, thousand
> year-old petroglyphs doing a double take, pointing a finger at
> eternity, some kind of ecstasy's got a hold on me.").

Know the Precambrian Shield well, but not the Bruce
connection. That's cool. I would agree with his
characterization of the energy nexus as "ecstasy."

> The petroglyphs seem to indicate some sort of communion with
> an "extraterrestrial" species.

That's one way of interpreting them. I have found
petroglyphs all over the Southwest and even here
in Spain or in the south of France, but I would
never associate them with "extraterrestrials." I
think they're far more interesting if created by
good, old-fashioned terrestrials like you and me
and for good, old-fashioned all-human reasons.

It's not petroglyphs in general, but the specific ones Bruce was referring to, which seem to show some sort of happening and people interacting with them. This is actually not that unusual. If there's an area where "sightings" presently occur, generally the native population in that area will have some legend or record of the same thing previously, whether it's fairy rings in Britain with people sometimes disappearing or some petrogylphs (as in this case) or a "myth". The locals in Canada, we were surprised to find out, already knew all about them and could tell story after story.

In Tibet and the Himalaya they just see them as guardians of place, some worldly, some not. Some people see them, some do not. For some it might just feel "nice" in some way.

Cool, I guess. I have never seen a UFO or wanted
to, but thought I had one night while in a Place
Of Power, Joshua Tree. My girlfriend and I had just
finished escaping from a tarantula the size of
Cleveland when we looked up and saw a bright light
in the night sky. And the thing was that it wasn't
just hanging there in mid-air the way that a brick
doesn't, it was growing larger and larger, and
seemingly coming right at us. This went on for
some seconds, during which I will admit to wonder-
ing whether the aliens who were coming to abduct
to us would be offended that I was still wearing
yesterday's underwear when they went to probe me.

Finally the bright light swerved, and instead of
coming directly at us, turned to the right. At that
point we could see that it had been the landing
headlights of a plane circling before landing at
the Palm Springs airport. We laughed until we cried.

In this case, it was pretty clear it was something unusual, as it was two very large (as in blotting out stars) tetrahedrons base-to-base which made no sound.

In a way I carried that experience into my spirit-
ual practice, too, because every time I remember
it I laugh again. And what's not spiritual about

As for the rest of your rap, while I appreciate
that it might be fun for you to speculate as to
what these Places Of Power are and what they "mean,"
that just doesn't float my boat. It is enough for
me to know that such outer places exist and that I
can use them to shift my state of attention to
shinier inner places. Why or how that happens
has no interest to me.

I wasn't really looking for an answer myself. It was the being's explanations, not mine. :-)

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