Consensus Reality
by Steven Liebowitz

Look at                                   a picture. What's in the
picture? Please look carefully and see everything there is to see     
in it.

What controls what you see in the picture      is another obstacle to
changing your conframes (your interpretation of what you see and     
experience) and being empowered. It is a culturally determined, common
or shared      conframe, called "consensus reality".

Consensus reality occurs when others      agree with our dominant
conframes and we all forget that we're only dealing with our     
habitual interpretations and not reality itself. Even if others share
our conframes and      agree with our interpretations, that still
doesn't make them real. It merely means that      we're all sharing the
same illusion.

Time To Get Functional

It takes courage and great skill to break      with consensus reality
and go on functioning. Yet, we have no choice but to do so if we     
wish to empower ourselves and be a role model for others. Consensus
reality is a rut that      must be transcended and the only differences
between a rut and a grave are the depth and      width.

Consensus reality is a      self-fulfilling prophecy, a limitation, a
box. It defines our expectations, and because we      only perceive what
we expect to perceive, it limits us.

Here are a few examples of how consensus      reality binds and limits:
Look at the unemployment rate. I can't change jobs now. I      can't do
that, I'm a woman... a child... a man...etc. They're only hiring
bi-lingual      people. I can't look for another job because I don't
speak Spanish. Thirty-eight is old.      Nobody will hire somebody my
age. If God meant man to fly, he'd have given him wings.      (This was
the consensus reality that Wilbur and Orville Wright transcended.) The
earth      is flat. If you sail too far out, you'll fall off. (That was
the consensus reality      that Columbus transcended.)

Consensus reality is a self-fulfilling      prophecy, a limitation, a
box. It defines our expectations, and because we only perceive      what
we expect to perceive, it limits us. Consensus reality is transcended by
having faith      in the limitless potential at the right end of the
continuum. When it is transcended, not      just one person is empowered
— all people are.

Change Your Viewpoint

Let go of laziness, comfort, fear and      superstition. Turn off the
auto pilot of habitual patterns and take control. You're not a     
victim, you're just asleep! Wake up, become aware and take
responsibility for the      consequences of your interpretations. It
doesn't matter how many people think it's the      Truth. It's merely
consensus reality and as such, it is a mere superstition, a     
self-fulfilling prophecy.

If conditions are not the way you want      them to be, change your
interpretation of them, and you'll change them as well. Columbus     
did it, Marconi did it, Martin Luther King did it. Realize that, whether
you think you can      or you can't, you're right!

Mistaking our projections for reality is      another obstacle. Reality
is the entire continuum — more than our habits and greater      than
our conframes. Walk around outside after spending hours indoors and
you'll know that      this is true. The whole world lies open and
shining, waiting and available, ripe and      bursting with potential.
Anything and everything is possible. Options abound. This is the     
reality of empowerment.

As you're strolling, think that this very      moment people in Rome,
Chicago, and Hong Kong are experiencing the very same sense of     
peace and power, joy and excitement. Then think about Mars, Neptune and
the galaxies      beyond, and you'll know that reality is so much more
than our words and habits can      contain.

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