Show Some Respect, Boy

"Joe Wilson's outburst in Congress revealed one thing: Some people just
can't believe a black man is president and will never accept it."

Maureen Dowd <>

Josh Marshall <>  | September 14, 2009,
Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
Kudos to Maureen Dowd for going there
<> . 'There' being
some public recognition of what should be inescapable by now: that a lot
of the more electric and intemperate reactions to President Obama come
from people who cannot or will not accept that a black man is the
President of the United States.

I think Dowd was right to see it behind Wednesday night's outburst
hp>  from Rep. Joe Wilson (R) of South Carolina, a man previously best
known as one of the last hold-outs for keeping the confederate flag
flying over the Capitol in South Carolina.

And you didn't have to wait for the night of the speech though. The day
before the speech, Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R) of Georgia said Obama needed
to show some "humility"
-show-humility-in-speech-to-congress.php>  when he showed up on Capitol
Hill Wednesday night.

I've heard presidents criticized, pilloried, even villified for lots of
things. But I don't think I've ever heard one warned to show some

It's no accident that both comments came from white men from the Deep
South in their early to mid-60s. I won't say because I don't think this
is all the GOP, just as I don't think that all the opposition to Obama
is rooted in atavism and paranoia. But it is a big chunk of it. And it's
the 'chunk' that's got the voice at the moment and increasingly seems to
be calling the shots.   [www_talkingpointsmemo_com]

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