I already have my eyepatch, so I plan to wear it
and watch a few pirated videos in celebration. I
may even rent a parrot and walk around town with
it perched on my shoulder, but only if it has been
trained to say stuff like, "Avast ye hearties!" 
and "Arr!" (From the URL above: "This one is often 
confused with 'Arrrgh,' which is of course the sound 
you make when you sit on a belaying pin. 'Arrr!' can 
mean, variously, 'Yes,' 'I agree,' 'I'm happy,' 'I'm 
enjoying this beer,' 'My team is going to win it all,' 
'I saw that television show, it sucked!' and 'That 
was a clever remark you or I just made.' And those 
are just a few of the myriad possibilities of Arrr!")

As for the eyepatch, here's a bit of trivia from
Wikipedia that shows that there is a logical and
physiological reason for wearing them, other than
having had one of your eyes gouged out by Captain
Jack Sparrow:

"Sailors (stereotyped by the eye-patch-wearing pirate) 
who often went above and below deck, used eye patches 
to have one eye adjusted for the top deck and the other 
eye already adjusted for the darkness when suddenly 
going below deck. The strong sunlight while above deck 
on an oceangoing vessel could require minutes of 
adjustment to the dim lighting below deck. With 
virtually no light sources below deck, sailors would 
have to rely heavily upon their eyes to adjust. In the 
critical moments of modifying the rigging, navigating, 
and especially during battle, those minutes were too 
precious. A simple switch of the patch from one eye to 
the other saved time and was more convenient than being 
temporarily blinded when going between decks."

Arrr. And possibly Arrrgh, depending on what you're
sitting on.  :-)

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