It's taken some time, for them to consolidate their power...
But, now, we all have become 'Slaves for the Insurance Co.'s agenda...

So, this: 'Of the People, by the People, and for the People, nonsense...
Turned on it's head, by these cruel jokers..

 We can still see, who is really running things...right?

Sure, the banks are hurting, but still the CEO's make millions...
Sure the health care is falling apart, but CIGNA's CEO, still makes millions...
Sure we have problems at home, but 'War+Weapons Death's Dealers'
Those murderous bastards, still make billions...

So, where is this all leading, now that they are being exposed for the demons 
they are.?
Do, they babel to the masses with foolish racist nonsense, to attempt to create 
more chaos, in the already retarded, American Mass Idiocy'?...

Roberto G 


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