Still pondering the eternal mystery that is romance,
I'm recapitulating a few romances and thinking back
to that first moment of certainty, The Moment I Knew
that this was going to be a Big Romance.

There is a term in a Bruce Cockburn song that I've
used to define these moments -- "event horizon." The
verse of the song goes like this:

Wild shadows, acid verbs
Eyelids opening dans mon coeur
Tu me touche comme la pression
Des etoiles sur les tenebres *

In the elevator and the empty hall
How am I ever going to hear you when you call
I'm always living and I always die
on the event horizon of your eyes

I'm a loner
With a loner's point of view
I'm a loner
And now I'm in love with you


Wild shadows acid verbs
Eyelids opening in my heart
You touch me like the pressure
Of the stars on the darkness

An "event horizon" in astronomy is that boundary
surrounding a black hole from which no more light
can escape. Once you cross that boundary, every-
thing -- physical objects as well as light -- is
sucked into the black hole.

The Moments I Knew are like that to me. They were
the moments *after* I had crossed an event horizon
and realized that I was past the point of no return,
and was on my way on what would probably be an
interesting journey. Here are a few of them:

* Trying to think of what music to play in the car
    after picking up a woman I had driven from New York
    to Vermont to see, hoping there might be a resonance
    there but not sure of it, I selected Keith Jarrett's
    "Koln Concert." We drove along for a few minutes,
    he hit my favorite chord change, and she literally
    stopped in mid-sentence and said, "Who IS this we
    are listening to." The romance was a Done Deal.

* Walking along a pathway at Cobb Mountain on the
    first day of an ATR course, passing a woman walking
    the other way. Stopping a few feet further to turn
    around, as if to say "Who WAS that?" and finding
    her doing the same thing.

* Saying goodnight to a woman I had been thinking
    of as only a friend, and who had been thinking of
    me the same way. I don't think that the idea of
    romance had occurred to either of us. But then we
    realized that our respective work travel schedules
    meant that we wouldn't be seeing each other again
    for three weeks. There followed an awkward silence,
    followed by three weeks of realization, followed
    by several years of romance.

* Literally running into someone -- neither of us
    watching where we were going and me knocking her
    off her feet -- and looking down to find a beautiful
    Japanese woman who was (fortunately) laughing and
    realizing in that instant that we were going to be
    lovers. We were, that evening.

* Having worn my "Serenity" logo T-shirt into
    Barcelona, starting across a crosswalk and seeing
    a woman coming the other way. I saw her aura first,
    and it wowed me enough that it took me a second
    to realize that she was wearing a T-shirt that said
    "Browncoats." I never made it to the other side
    of the street.

* Walking down a hallway in the building I worked
    in and seeing a woman ahead of me in the hallway,
    walking the same direction. Her back was to me
    and all that I could really see was her long hair. I
    literally lost my footing and had to brace myself
    against the wall, and the only thought that went
    through my head was, "Oh shit. There's one." She
    still is, twenty years later.

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